2022-10-14 LG Meeting notes

2022-10-14 LG Meeting notes


  • Lynne Grigsby, UC Berkeley (SILS Leadership Group Chair)

  • Robin Gustafson, UC Davis (SILS Leadership Group Vice-Chair), absent

  • Sarah Troy, UC Santa Cruz (DOC Liaison)

  • Tom Bustos, UC Merced (SILS Operations Team Chair)

  • Todd Grappone, UC Los Angeles (Operations Team Liaison)

  • Sarah Houghton, California Digital Library

  • Anna Seiffert, UC Santa Barbara  

  • Aislinn Sotelo, UCSD

  • Staff: Celina Ivy, UC Davis (Support Member)

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5 minutes







Alma Annual Statistics Analytics Project Team

10 minutes

Sarah T, Lynne

CoUL & DOC input; membership update

Member nominations received:

UCSB is nominating Akshay Agrawal for this group. akshayagrawal@ucsb.edu

UCSC: I'd like to put forward Lisa Wong tyleet@ucsc.edu for UCSC's representative for the Alma Annual Statistics Analytics Group.

UCR: Regarding the Alma “Annual Statistics / Analytics Group”, please add Michele Potter to your list representing UCR.

UCB: Chan Lee

UCSD: Heather Hernandez (h6hernandez@UCSD.EDU). She is our Chief Administrative Officer and has been leading our local effort to review and reorganize how we manage our annual statistics.

UCM: Sarah Sheets (ssheets@ucmerced.edu)


  • Next steps for Doc approval.

  • @Lynne E. Grigsby will reach out to campuses that have not yet responded to member nominations.



Digital Collections

20 minutes


Discussion. Do we need a separate charge for CDI coverage?

  • Discussion on defining types and UC Library search

  • Do we need to have a group that provides guidance for the local campuses?

  • Focus on principles vs “how to.”

  • Will help to bring guidance on how we can leverage Primo.

  • LG votes to rewrite document to focus more on principles.

    • @Todd Grappone volunteer to help rewrite

  • LG will have on the agenda in two weeks.



DOC update

5-10 minutes

Sarah Troy

Governance structure assessment

  • DOC Chair confirms that 11/15 works, will be invited to join at start of call (so around 1 or 1:05pm) and we have 20 minutes.

  • Who should to attend? Subgroup members? more than subgroup members?

DOC didn’t meet on 10/4, but members were asked to begin considering who from their campuses will be nominated to the UC ETAS and Lending Task Force.

  • Discussion for next agenda

  • ST will send Robin, Aislinn, and Anna a calendar invite for the 11/15 DOC meeting



OT update

5-10 minutes

Tom Bustos

All Chairs met with the Collaborative Work Tools Project Team

E-Resources is having regular Friday Analytics “study hall” sessions

Reiterated to the OST Chairs that they are the experts and have been empowered to reassess the items on their respective Work Plans as needed. The needs and system changes as we move forward and this sometimes requires a reassessment.

Operations Team:
Meeting with ExL Support this Monday and will be discussing CJK concerns between sandbox testing and production. There are questions that are still not answered.

Also asking about Consortial User accounts for SalesForce

Requested that OT Reps send recommendations for Annual Stats team to Lynne. Requested at the last OT meeting on 10/5 and Slacked a reminder to the team as well.

No recommendations for Town Hall yet, but the group is discussing possible topics.

  • Project management training discussed at All Chairs meeting





55 minutes







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