2023-01-06 LG Meeting notes
Lynne Grigsby, UC Berkeley (SILS Leadership Group Chair)
Robin Gustafson, UC Davis (SILS Leadership Group Vice-Chair)
Sarah Troy, UC Santa Cruz (DOC Liaison)
Tom Bustos, UC Merced (SILS Operations Team Chair), absent
Todd Grappone, UC Los Angeles (Operations Team Liaison)
Sarah Houghton, California Digital Library
Anna Seiffert, UC Santa Barbara
Aislinn Sotelo, UCSD
Staff: Celina Ivy, UC Davis (Support Member) , absent
This meeting recording is available in the LG Google folder. Please see link. |
Item | Time | Who | Notes | Decisions | Actions |
| |
1 | Welcome | 5 minutes | Lynne |
2 | Best practices for getting topics on the LG agenda | 5-10 minutes | LG SC (Lynne, Robin, Sarah T) | To get something on the LG agenda, please submit topic with how it should appear on the agenda and any links to LG SC the day before LG SC meets (Thursday). LG SC meets alternate weeks from LG. | No concerns, will proceed. Urgent items can always be brought up last minute. |
3 | SILS governance assessment subgroup | 10 minutes | Anna, Aislinn | Sign off on Assessment Tool https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1yYAZPr7nDMPsC2v0egRDA0eFxhi9qzcz7VEkOBctZ6I/edit | Reviewed tool and unanimously signed off on it. Next to release January 23 - February 3rd. Send to SILS-NEWS and then make sure OT sends it to their local library. Have DOC send reminder in last week of January. (1/30-2/1). When have TownHall to mention SILS-NEWS subscription. Add to emails! A&A to come up blurb. Analysis timeline end of April; LG & DOC in May. Deadline for decisions is end of FY. Wait till actions to have TownHall not just survey results. Next FY ? Late Summer? Early Fall term? Or move timeline so that changes happen with the switch of representatives (July 2023) A&A to think of moving analysis completion done sooner. |
4 | Work Plan review | 15 minutes | Lynne | Review the work plan and determine what work LG should be tackling next | Review work plan items – many other way or waiting on others, discussed ILS landscape task and possibilities. Confluence page to discuss systems. Subteam: Susan H, Aislinn, Todd, Robin, Lynne Todd to schedule first meeting to discuss. Sarah H mentioned including CDL Ops as they have been looking at the landscape also. What is ExLibris contract term 3 or 5 years? Think is it 5 – should we confirm?
5 | DOC update | 5-10 minutes | Sarah Troy | Several DOC members missed the 12/20/22 DOC meeting, including myself. Meeting seemed to largely be a roundup of work done in the previous year, and a recap of ongoing projects:
6 | OT update | 5-10 minutes | Tom Bustos |
| No update as Tom absent due to conference |
7 |
| 55 minutes |
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