2024-05-10 LG Meeting notes
Robin Gustafson, UC Davis (Chair)
Lynne Grigsby, UC Berkeley (Past Chair) - absent
Jackie Gosselar, UC Berkeley (SILS Operation Team Chair) - absent
Tom Bustos, UC Merced (Vice Chair) - absent
Todd Grappone, UC Los Angeles
Sarah Houghton, California Digital Library - absent
Elizabeth Richey, UC Irvine
Darren Furey, UC Riverside - absent
Kerry Scott, UC Santa Cruz
Anna Seiffert, UC Santa Barbara
Aislinn Sotelo, UC San Diego
Sarah Troy, UC Santa Cruz (DOC Liaison)
Staff: Melanie Poloff, UC Davis (Support Member)
Item | Time | Who | Notes | Decisions | Actions |
| |
1 | Welcome |
| Robin |
2 | General OpenAthens discussion |
| Todd |
3 | Request for accessibility group within SILS |
| Robin | See 5/9/24 email from RNPT Chairs and recommendation
4 | SILS Membership Transition team update |
| Sarah T. | kickoff meeting on 5/1 team is Caitlin Nelson--SSM, Sarah Lindsey--OT Chair, Alison Ray--SILS tools admin, Sarah Troy--LG rep charge is here The initial call went out to SILS cohort members on 5/2--all members are being asked to check in with their supervisors and DOC reps about continued participation, and then let their team chairs know if they are going to be rolling off, by May 17. DOC will have about 3 weeks to select new members, and then an additional week to approve final rosters (that puts us at mid-June). The transition team will work with the All Chairs group to support the transition of Vice Chairs to Chairs, and the selection of new Vice Chairs. The entire transition process should conclude by June 30, and the on-boarding process will start in July. |
5 | LG membership |
| Robin | LG roster is here Is anyone rolling off? Selecting vice chair role | Deadline for stating you are rolling off is MAY 17. |
6 | Data retention for recorded LG meetings |
| Robin | How long do we need to keep these? | Keep recorded meetings for three months; Melanie will clean up files to reflect retention time |
7 | DOC update | 5-10 minutes | Sarah T. |
8 | OT update | 5-10 minutes | Jackie |
Ex Libris Support Meeting Agendas & Notes
9 |
10 |
Parking Lot – things for us to keep an eye on
Alma Analytics Annual Statistics Project Team
Named Accounts Project Team
Data Privacy Project Team
SILS Governance Assessment - should we do this annually?
Operation Team favorite things
SILS Talks
Ethical and Inclusive Metadata Practices in UC Library Search Project Team
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