2022-03-02 Meeting notes

2022-03-02 Meeting notes


  • Thomas Bustos, Chair

  • Jackie Gosselar, Vice Chair

  • Caitlin Nelson

  • Mallory Gianola, Support Member



Desired Outcome







Desired Outcome







Letter for E-Resources Change Management - Email on Feb. 23 from Michelle Polchow, Chair of SILS ERES Operations Subteam

  • Review and discuss email and determine next steps

  • See documents here

35 mins


  • AEFG from Phase 4 was asking for support to change the workflow; raising the issue, but also providing a recommendation

    • What is the current eRes/Acq OST strategy for implementing the recommendation? What specifically, is the ask?

    • Need investigations:

      • Is it true that CDL Shared Acquisitions is using spreadsheets instead of loading information into the NZ; so the information that campuses need for their work, is not available?

      • CDL folx have a meeting to discuss and further investigate this on March 8, so there will be updates after that meeting

  • Tom has forwarded this to Lynne, so that the Leadership Group can review it and discuss it at the next meeting

    • LG will likely talk about this on Friday, and Tom will provide the background/context that Caitlin has provided

    • This should stay in the SILS structure for now, until we get all of the facts figured out

    • Ultimately, we need to investigate further what CDL is using for Acquisitions and what their plans are in switching to Alma so that campuses can integrate the work into the Alma workflow

  • Once the CDL investigation provides more clarity, we can come back to the Impact Statement and decide how to proceed

@Caitlin Nelson will let Sarah know that Tom will discuss the Letter for E-Resources Change Management in LG, and Sarah can provide back-up for Tom as needed

NZ/UCOP analytics

Review and discuss; determine next steps and actions, if needed

6 mins


  • Email came through from Alison Ray: Statistics annual call - request for information

    • Need clarity regarding schedules for this year

  • Danielle Westbrook collects the statistics at CDL

    • Caitlin could get an answer from Danielle, to get the official word; if we canā€™t get an answer, then we should move forward with the existing schedule and statistics

    • Need a deadline by which we need to get started, if weā€™re going to use the existing schedule and statistics

  • Since we now have NZ analytics, how does this change the process for gathering these annual statistics?

    • Something to discuss further at another OT SC meeting


@Caitlin Nelson will work with Danielle Westbrook to confirm whether we can start producing stats according to the current schedule and templates; OR, should we be waiting for some new templates. Also work on setting up a deadline by which we need to get started, if weā€™re going to use the existing schedule and templates.

NRLF issue and consortial impacts

Review and discuss; determine next steps and actions, if needed

5 mins


  • ExL identified a corrupted request which was causing our Send Requests to Remote Storage job to fail

    • We cancelled and re-created this request, and it resolved the issue

    • All 750 stuck requests were successfully sent to NRLF yesterday afternoon

  • It will take NRLF some time to address this backlog, so please extend patience to them during this time

  • ExL still needs to address the root issue which caused this corrupted data

    • We will be working with them on that, and can update everyone when more information is available

    • However, in the mean time we expect our NRLF requests to pass through successfully, and will communicate with everyone if further issues arise

  • This should be further discussed at the next support call with Ex Libris




Communications for system down/component down issues for consortia

Review and discuss; determine next steps and actions, if needed

7 mins


  • The OT hasnā€™t discussed communications for system down/component down issues for consortia, and with the NRLF issue, it might be a good idea to discuss this sooner rather than later

    • Could use how Jackie communicated the NRLF issue as a straw person proposal for what to do going forward

  • At what point would the NRLF issue would have been passed onto another group such as Resource Sharing

    • This is a good question; would want recommendations from other groups

      • Tipping point would have been around now, if it wasnā€™t resolved yesterday

  • We donā€™t have a communications person for this service mode that we are in now; so we will need to determine some protocols and best practices to point people to


@Jackie Gosselar will write up in a Google Doc, the steps they took for communicating the NRLF issue both locally and with the SILS Cohort, and weā€™ll discuss this further at an upcoming OT SC meeting

Build agenda for next OT meeting

Build and finalize the agenda for next weekā€™s OT meeting

12 mins


  • See agenda here

  • Potential topics besides standing items:

    • Update on ExL Superuser accounts

      • No update on this at this time, so leave off of agenda for now

    • Case for needing NZ access for analytics - raised by John at Feb. 23 OT Meeting

      • Caitlin thinks there is something that we can point John to for this; Caitlin will find the page in Confluence and send it to Tom and Jackie via Slack for confirmation, and will then send it to John via Slack

    • Update from Local Resource Type Taskforce

      • Include this on the agenda to see if there is an update

    • Discuss OT work plan

      • Include this on the agenda for next week


@Mallory Gianola will take the deliverables from the OT Kickoff slides and add them to the Phase 4 Work Handoff items for Operations Team spreadsheet, which weā€™ll use at the next OT meeting to build out the OT Work Plan
@Caitlin Nelson will find the page on Confluence regarding NZ access for analytics and share it with Tom and Jackie to confirm whether she should forward that to John in response to his question on this topic

Parking Lot

Capture important topics for future discussion









65 mins






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