2022-03-09 Meeting notes

2022-03-09 Meeting notes


  • Thomas Bustos, Chair

  • Jackie Gosselar, Vice Chair

  • Lakshmi Arunachalam

  • Ramon Barcia

  • Greg Ferguson

  • Jeremy Hobbs

  • Sarah Lindsey

  • Caitlin Nelson

  • John Riemer

  • Zach Silveira

  • Neil Weingarten

  • Mallory Gianola, Support Member

Meeting Recording

Meeting Recording

The meeting recording is available for download in the OT Shared Google Folder, which you can access using this link: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1HbQz7AhbWal0CGgvh-_uu2qUqyemTzVz?usp=sharing



Desired Outcome







Desired Outcome







Updates - from All-Chairs, Leadership Group, etc.

Provide updates from other SILS meetings

10 mins

Tom / Team

  • LG - Transparency Concerns

    • Concern surrounding our Slack channel, since it is closed off to OT members only

    • Explained reasoning behind this decision, including that OT is a representative group, including all campuses and CDL

    • LG wanted to raise this topic to the entire OT, just so that everyone is aware of the perception that some people have regarding transparency

    • OT has discussed this, and are aware of the perception it gives to some, but decided to leave the slack channel as is

  • All Chairs - Caitlin Nelson voted in as Co-Chair.

    • Team Charter Work

    • Taking the Temperature Survey - we didn’t do this with the OT, so Tom will be sending it out to OT sometime in the next week

    • SILS Ops Center Update

      • SILS Ops Center took over managing the communication tools for the SILS cohort, along with answering questions folx might have

      • Any questions can now go to SILS Ops Center on Slack or the AskSILS Listserv


@Tom Bustos will send the OT the Taking the Temperature Survey, to discuss at the next OT meeting

Q & A Session - Including Questions on Slack since last meeting

Any questions from the team?

Questions from Slack?

10 mins


  • Questions on Slack:

    • Laptops anywhere kiosk - discussion on Slack

    • Question re: the $$ subfield delimiter - discussion on Slack

  • Where are we with the NERS Voting Process?

  • SILS Ops Center receives Eluna emails, and recently received something related to voting for the Eluna Steering Committee, which made them wonder where should these emails go?

    • Decision - SILS Ops Center will forward these emails to the OT Listserv, so campuses who do not have their own memberships are aware of these messages

  • UCB figured out how to do digital bookplates and is working on documentation for how to do that; UCB will be sharing that documentation with Resource Management: Cataloging & Metadata Operations Subteam


@Caitlin Nelson will let Gem know to forward emails from Eluna to the SILS OT Listserv

Discuss OT Workplan

Review OT deliverables and prioritize what tasks needs to be completed first

27 mins


  • https://uc-sils.atlassian.net/l/c/0JgaY8P8

  • Phase 4 Work Handoff items for Operations Team

  • PM HANDOFF NEEDS: OT to decide what to do with Report a Problem Page and Known Issues with Alma/Primo - Both need owners and resocialization for cohort and others

    •  Report a problem page:

      • Needs revision, and therefore need volunteers to update.

      • Need to determine whether to move the new revised page to SILS Home or OT home.

      • Decision - Caitlin and the SILS Ops Center, in consultation with the OT, will update the Report a problem page and find a new home for that page

    • Known issues with Alma/Primo – needs revision; consult with OT

      • Do we want this page that UC Libraries maintain, and if so, who owns it and maintains it? Do we want to assign resources to the work needed for this page?

      • Is this page needed if we have superuser accounts, and can see issues across the consortia?

        • Seems like there was a need, but now the needs have changes

      • Do campuses need a page that shows high-level issues?

        • Consensus is yes; many campuses are trying to create this locally, so having it systemwide would be helpful

      • What are the criteria for what we want to see? And how do we get this information, maintain it, etc.

        • For those creating local pages, what is the what and the how?

      • Decision - Known issues page should go into the OT work plan to determine how to move forward

  • Check with OT if campuses are actively using the Data Privacy folders? If so, move to the main OT folder so it’s not buried

    • Decision - Yes, move to the main OT folder

  • CDL Data in NZ page: NZ CDL data cleanup project this doesn’t have a group now, but priorities still need to be coordinated with SCP / CDL Acq. Where should this go?

    • Remove this topic from the agenda for today, and move it in the work plan to track it later


@Caitlin Nelson and the SILS Ops Center, in consultation with the OT, will update the Report a problem page and find a new home for that page
@Caitlin Nelson will move the Data Privacy folders to the main OT folder



NZ access for analytics

Discuss topic raised by John at previous meeting: Case of needing NZ access for analytics

1 min

John / Caitlin




Update from Local Resource Type Taskforce

Review / discuss update

11 mins

Lakshmi / Sarah / Ramon

  • The Local Resource Type Taskforce learned:

    • No local resource types set up in the NZ currently

    • Locally configured local resource type can be used for just the IZ without impacting the NZ

      • Campuses can use local slots for anything local

      • Can have as many local resource types as you want, as long as those records aren’t linked to the NZ

  • The Local Resource Type Taskforce is recommending to hand off this discussion to the Discovery Operations Subteam to look into further, and to get all the local resource type needs from each campus

    • Determine how many NZ local resource types campuses think they might need

    • Hard to know what other kind of guidance is needed from the OT without knowing how many local resource types campuses will need

      • Think of these as local resource types that have an academic need

      • Would want this need to be user driven, as opposed to cataloger driven

    • We’ll see what the Discovery Operations Subteam comes back with, and see how much more guidance is needed

      • If fewer than the 20 limit is needed, no further guidance will be needed

      • If more than the 20 limit is needed, OT will need to discuss further to provide guidance on how to move forward

  • Next step: reach out to the Discovery Operations Subteam to ask for them to reach out to campuses to determine how many NZ local resource types campuses think they might need

    • Would also be helpful for the Discovery Operations Subteam to test this in the sandbox

    • Let them know that the OT sees this as a priority

  • How does this get handed off to the Discovery Operations Subteam?

    • This needs to be discussed further by the OT Steering Committee

    • The OT SC will discuss how to hand off the Local Resource Type Issue to the Discovery Operations Subteam and follow-up with the Local Resource Type Taskforce


@Tom Bustos@Jackie Gosselar@Caitlin Nelson will discuss how to hand off the Local Resource Type Issue to the Discovery Operations Subteam and follow-up with the Local Resource Type Taskforce


Topics or questions for the Ex Libris Support Meeting

Any topics or questions that should be addressed at the next monthly Ex Libris Support Meeting (March 21)?

1 min


  • From Lakshmi (2/23 meeting): Issue with physical holdings not displaying in Primo VE; what is the status of where we are on this?

    • Caitlin recommends that Lakshmi check with Gem on this via Slack

    • If this needs to be escalated before March 21, that’s possible; otherwise can discuss it at the next meeting on March 21

  • NRLF issue and consortial impacts


@Tom Bustos will send a Slack message to the OT to ask for topics/questions for the Ex Libris Support Meeting on March 21, 2022

Executive Session

Private discussion as needed







Parking Lot

Capture important topics for future discussion



Internal Training / Training Documentation Hub

Need to create a page for System Down Reporting






60 mins






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