2022-03-30 Meeting notes

2022-03-30 Meeting notes


  • Thomas Bustos, Chair

  • Jackie Gosselar, Vice Chair

  • Caitlin Nelson

  • Mallory Gianola, Support Member



Desired Outcome







Desired Outcome







Local Resource Type Issue handoff to the Discovery Operations Subteam

Review and discuss SILS Local Resource Types Task Force Write-up and determine priority and next steps for handing it off to the Discovery Operations Subteam

16 mins


  • Decision: Hand-off the write-up to the Discovery Operations Subteam Chair with a little blurb saying we discussed this in OT and thought it fit within the criteria of their Subteam

    • Discussed the language related to the prioritization of this task for the Discovery Operations Subteam; updated the language to reflect that this task should be added to their work plan, and we’ll leave it to them and their expertise to determine the working priority


@Tom Bustos will send this write-up to the Discovery Operations Subteam Chair to hand-off this task

UCOP Statistics and Analytics

Follow-up discussion from meeting on 3/23/22

24 mins


  • Caitlin talked with Danielle, and Danielle asked if there is a way to churn out statistics based on what the campuses who were already on Alma prior to SILS were doing for gathering their statistics?

    • Possibly, but even the already Alma campuses will have a different target than what they did prior to SILS

    • Danielle will likely send out an email with an update regarding the expectations for the UCOP Statistics, and Caitlin asked Danielle to include Tom and Jackie on any emails she sends regarding the UCOP Statistics

  • Danielle confirmed that CoUL and DOC will reassess the UCOP Statistics next year

  • The analytics help to show the value of the Libraries and helps to determine funding; but the data for this year is imperfect because of the migration

  • Who is calling for these statistics and can we have a discussion about reducing the scope for at least this year, with the entity who is responsible for calling these statistics?

    • We also need confirmation on the deadline

    • Should this be bumped to the Leadership Group?

    • Decision: We’ll wait to hear from Danielle first, and then bump it to LG with a recommendation from OT

      • OT will determine their recommendation after Danielle sends the update email


@Caitlin Nelson will bring the topic of UCOP Statistics and Analytics back to Gem on the same thread that is already established to start looping Gem in on this topic

Update / Follow-Up on E-Resources Change Management

Discuss any follow-up or progress since last meeting

16 mins


  • Meeting this afternoon; goal is to try to understand more about what is happening and do some information gathering

    • How can we as a consortia collaborate on this?




SILS Privacy Forms Update

Decide if this needs more discussion or if we can make a decision now regarding the 2nd main bullet point in the notes

0 mins

Caitlin / Team


From Caitlin’s Email to the OT on 03/29/2022:

  • Complete the retroactive acknowledgement task:

    • ACTION: The DPTF is requesting a confirmation email from each campus Alma admin (or equivalent) affirming the following: Everyone with an Alma account at [CAMPUS] with a role other than “patron” has acknowledged the Data Privacy & Security Responsibilities statement as of [DATE].

    • The email can be sent to SILS-DPTF-L@listserv.ucop.edu and should be sent as soon as possible. I will be point person for following up and available for questions as needed.

  • Confirm that users are acknowledging the form annually:

    • A confirmation email will need to be sent annually.

    • It’s unclear who will take point for data security needs once the current project team concludes, so SILS Operations Team should take point on this for future confirmations.

      • What will our annual confirmation date be?

      • What email should be used in the future to confirm?




Build agenda for next OT meeting

Build and finalize the agenda for next week’s OT meeting

7 mins


  • See agenda here

  • Potential Agenda Items:

    • OT Work Plan

    • Further discuss System/Component Down Communication Path - changing format to decision tree

    • UCOP Statistics and Analytics

    • Taking the Temperature Survey

    • Communication with Subteams, Cohort, and Campuses




Discussion regarding Alma NZ concerns

Review, discuss, and determine next steps

60 min


  • Find out the pain points, and if there is a place where any of the SILS Teams would help, where would that be and what would that look like?

  • A lot of pain points that don’t have anything to do with the system functionality; staffing issues, down on key positions, and learning curves with the system functionality

  • From the perspective of ExL being involved, the licensing functionality is still not working

    • Lisa and Michelle, as well as a few others, met with a few members from ExL to discuss this topic on March 10

    • The way that CDL does recharges, and how they change every year based on FTE model changes, etc., and the way the negotiated licensing is set-up, the system doesn’t really work for us

    • During this meeting, outlined their case and how Alma would need to function in order for our processes to match the system

      • ExL was really receptive and said they’d go back to their development team to see what would be possible, and that they’d get back to that group in a couple of months

        • ExL said that they were already working on an improvement to the licensing functionality and they wanted to see if that improvement would help with the issue we’re experiencing; it was never made clear whether what they’re already working on would improve the issues we’re experiencing

  • It’s a very complicated process, and the part of the process where campuses pay CDL for resources, can’t be figured out in Alma

    • The group needs support in this area, it’s out of their current knowledge range

  • Issues

    • Integration with Oracle

    • Integration with connecting with each campus' financial system to deal with recharges

  • Would be helpful to do a Needs Assessment

  • Can we use Alma to track and do the accounting, but not have the actual exchange of money go through Alma?

    • Not sure; Here’s an explanation of the current process:

    • Spreadsheet is created at the beginning of the FY, it’s broken out for each campus, and each campus gets a copy so that they know what to expect

      • At the beginning of the quarter, each campus' spreadsheet is further filtered down to show what’s due that quarter

        • An estimate

      • Every month, whatever has been paid, gets documented on a separate version of this spreadsheet, and these are sent to campuses so they can document for themselves what was actually paid

        • What has actually been paid

      • Spreadsheet method has been in existence for 12-15 years

        • Want to move away from it because it is complicated and prone to error

        • Easiest thing to set-up is to get the acquisitions functionality working so that CDL can pay vendors through Alma

          • The other side of this, documenting the campus participation, is something we’re supposed to be able to do within the license functionality

            • Field to be used for campus cost shares for any particular product; however there are issues with this functionality:

            • It overwrites previous data

            • It’s also at the license level, not at the product level

      • First-step: CDL being able to pay vendors through Alma

      • Second-step: Figure out a way to convey to campuses, within the collection level, what portion of things need to be paid

      • Third-step: Being able to handle recharges through Alma; documenting what is coming in and what is going out

  • How can we as the SILS governance be of help and support this team?

    • As we enter into the acquisitions realm of migration for CDL, going to need a lot of support

      • Targeted training

        • Live training with ExL previously was not great; sent them specific situations to train on and they didn’t deliver

          • Generic training that was not specific to our needs

      • Maybe this future targeted training doesn’t happen with ExL, maybe there is someone else that we tap to train us, maybe it’s another group?

        • CSUs don’t operate the way we do either; the group has talked to them about some of their other processes; but for the recharge processes, they don’t do what we do

  • We could re-do our whole system, but now is not the time

    • But where are the levers we can pull?

  • What makes us different as a consortia is the way CDL distributes the costs across campuses, and needing to be able to document that year over year, and being able to adjust that year over year

    • How we co-share the costs for things, and how we document that

  • Would it be helpful for the OT put together a taskforce to look into this further?

    • Would love to see a taskforce who can figure out what we can do in the system

      • Who would need to be there?

        • Lisa Mackinder and Angie Felix; Lisa will think more about who else might need to be there

    • What would be the scope of this taskforce?

      • Try to identify where workarounds might come into play, and where we can address the immediate needs for this group and for campuses that are major stakeholders

      • Would like the taskforce to have a goal of operationalizing CDL acquisitions within Alma

        • Organizing the steps that need to happen and the training that needs to happen along the way, including guidance and liaising from/with ExL and other experts

        • A taskforce that can not only help scope this whole thing, but also has access to the NZ, so that they can all be in there and figure it out together

    • What’s the difference between CDL acquisitions and the issues happening with the e-resources?

      • Not sure what the perspective is on the issues with e-resources

      • Everything described previously is very acquisitions focused

      • All collections migrated as activated, but some of them migrated as suppressed

        • Those that needed to be unsupressed have been unsuppressed

        • Clean-up is to ensure the right thing got migrated and activated, then passing it onto SCP for further cataloging inspection

        • Just learned that not all of our collections migrated with licenses attached; not sure why this is

          • Going back and making sure licenses are attached; that field is what allows an IZ to order on an NZ record, so maybe this is related to the e-resources issue

      • Is an e-resources taskforce needed, or something else needed, to help resolve the e-resources issues?

        • What campuses can see vs. what CDL can see, each party might not know what the other party is seeing

        • Also, there is another point where campuses want to create order records for things that they’re being recharged for, and not sure exactly how this can happen

          • This should theoretically work in Alma, but unclear whether we can do this

        • Is this kind of investigation and collaboration something that can happen on the E-resources Operations Subteam? Or do we need a special taskforce?

          • Would have people who would volunteer, but questions about logins, how many per campus, etc. have come up

          • This is work that should be happening in the E-resources Operations Subteam, it’s within scope

  • San Diego IZ hasn’t been able to connect with Oracle yet, waiting on this before CDL can replicate what they’ve done

  • This is also something Caitlin and Jackie can take to ACAG (Alma Consortial Advocacy Group)

  • Next Steps:

    • Look into creating a taskforce to operationalize CDL acquisitions within Alma

    • Have E-resources Operations Subteam work on an overall needs assessment, as well as issues with licenses and orders

    • OT will follow-up with ExL about the conversation Michelle and Tamara initiated with ExL (March 10 Meeting) regarding the licensing functionality




Parking Lot

Capture important topics for future discussion








120 mins






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