2022-05-11 Meeting notes

2022-05-11 Meeting notes


  • Thomas Bustos, Chair

  • Jackie Gosselar, Vice Chair

  • Caitlin Nelson

  • Mallory Gianola, Support Member



Desired Outcome







Desired Outcome







Discuss June 15 meeting and update from Mallory

Determine who will host and record the Zoom meeting on June 15

10 mins

Mallory / Team

  • Mallory is unable to attend the June 15 meeting

    • Caitlin or someone else can take notes that day and handle the meeting recording

  • Mallory will ask Jeremy to be an alternative host for the OT meetings, and specifically for the June 15 meeting

    • Even if Jeremy can’t attend the meeting that day, if he can start the meeting and handoff the host to someone else, that would be helpful

  • Mallory will be going on a 6-7 month leave starting in November; OT will need to recruit a new support person

    • It would be great for Mallory to have a good amount of overlap with the new support person to train them, share information, etc.


@Mallory Gianola will ask Jeremy to be an alternative host for the OT meetings, and specifically for the June 15 meeting

Status Report: Analytics in the SILS (April 2022)

Continue discussion from Slack, and determine next steps

35 mins


  • Question from John - is there anything from the below parts that should be moved up?

    • Background information is helpful, but is not part of the ask; don’t want to lose it or separate it out

      • Group agrees that we should keep this in the same document so that it doesn’t get lost and so that info is easily accessible

    • In support of having a distilled ask at the top, but maybe a table of contents or something could help organize everything

  • Discussion about the document with edits and updates made in the document

    • Discussion regarding the comments on page 4; could we leave the comments in this document?

      • If we need a “clean copy” we could duplicate this document and remove the comments from the duplicated copy

      • Tom will let LG know that if a cleaner copy is needed, OT can work on bringing the comments into the document

        • LG may also choose to update this document themselves and handoff that updated document to CoUL and DOC, if needed

  • Next Steps:

    • Tom will send a message on the OT Slack Channel to ask everyone to please read through the document and let him know on Slack by the end of the day today, if this needs to be halted from being sent

      • If Tom doesn’t hear any calls for this to not be sent, he will be sending this to Leadership group tomorrow morning for discussion over the next two LG meetings

    • Tom will email the Status Report: Analytics in the SILS (April 2022) document to LG tomorrow, May 12

      • LG will discuss the document briefly this Friday, and further at the following meeting when Todd will be present

  • One decision that is still outstanding is who is the decision maker for the UCOP Analytics and Statistics?

    • Caitlin thinks Danielle has some answers about this and Danielle is willing to talk to folks; would it make sense for her to come to an OT meeting, or an OT-SC meeting, or an LG meeting?

    • Definitely would be helpful to have Danielle attend an OT meeting - she is available on May 18, so we can bring invite her to the next OT meeting

    • What about having Danielle attend an LG meeting, when would be a good time for that?

      • The soonest LG meeting that Danielle can attend looks to be June 10; seems like we would need to get this escalated to DOC and CoUL sooner than that date

    • June 21st through June 23rd is an in-person, all day CoUL session at Merced

      • If we are aiming to escalate this issue to CoUL, this would be the window for that escalation

      • DOC is meeting on June 7, so if it has to go to DOC first, the June 7 meeting would be the target

    • We need to get this document to LG as soon as possible

      • Caitlin can give Sarah Houghton a heads-up about this; let her know that we worked backwards from the June CoUL meeting and the deadlines for getting on agendas with DOC and CoUL are:

        • June 7 for DOC

        • June 21- 23 for CoUL

    • Caitlin will email Danielle to invite her to the May 18 OT meeting, will use the original thread to send this email

      • Once Danielle says yes, we can start gathering questions from OT and provide those to Danielle in advance

        • Mallory will create a Google Doc to start gathering questions from OT for Danielle and will share that Google Doc with Danielle; Mallory will send a message on the OT Slack Channel to ask OT to add their questions to the Google Doc in advance of the May 18 meeting


@Tom Bustos will send a message on the OT Slack Channel to ask everyone to please read through the Status Report: Analytics in the SILS (April 2022) document and let him know on Slack by the end of the day today (5/11), if this needs to be halted from being sent
@Tom Bustos will email the Status Report: Analytics in the SILS (April 2022) document to LG tomorrow 5/12
@Caitlin Nelson will give Sarah Houghton a heads-up about the timeline for escalating the Status Report: Analytics in the SILS (April 2022) document; let her know that we worked backwards from the June CoUL meeting and the deadlines for getting on agendas with DOC and CoUL are: June 7 for DOC and June 21- 23 for CoUL
@Caitlin Nelson will email Danielle to invite her to the May 18 OT meeting and will use the original thread to send this email
@Caitlin Nelson will let Mallory know once Danielle confirms whether she can attend the May 18 OT Meeting
@Mallory Gianola will create a Google Doc to start gathering questions from OT for Danielle and will share that Google Doc with Danielle; Mallory will send a message on the OT Slack Channel to ask OT to add their questions to the Google Doc in advance of the May 18 meeting

Build agenda for next OT meeting

Build and finalize the agenda for next week’s OT meeting

10 mins


  • See proposed agenda here

    • Added discussion with Danielle to the agenda




ExL Meeting

Update re: ExL Meeting

5 mins

Caitlin / Team

  • Caitlin hasn’t heard back form Alon

  • The meeting is next Monday, May 16; does the group still want to talk about the QA Process and Issues with Analytics?

    • If Alon still wants to stall on the QA Process, that’s fine

      • Especially because they’ve moved to a quarterly process for major releases, but will still be doing regular bug fixes

    • But we still want to discuss the issues with Analytics; more specifically determining who it is we need to talk to about this and getting that meeting set-up via Alon

  • Ask for Alon is: we still want to talk about the QA process but that’s not the top priority, but we want to meet with someone about Analytics in the next 2-weeks and also talk about our tickets

    • Having a DOC representative at this meeting to discuss Analytics would be helpful; Caitlin will ask Sarah Houghton today if she is willing to attend the meeting with ExL to discuss Analytics - this meeting is to be scheduled, pending information from Alon

    • Caitlin will update the agenda for this next meeting with Alon, and send that out to everyone today


@Caitlin Nelson will ask Sarah Houghton today (5/11), if she is willing to attend the meeting with ExL to discuss Analytics - this meeting is to be scheduled, pending information from Alon
@Caitlin Nelson will update the agenda for the May 16 meeting with Alon and send it out to everyone today (5/11)



Parking Lot

Capture important topics for future discussion








60 mins






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