2022-08-03 OT-SC Meeting notes

2022-08-03 OT-SC Meeting notes


  • Thomas Bustos, Chair

  • Jackie Gosselar, Vice Chair

  • Caitlin Nelson

  • Mallory Gianola, Support Member



Desired Outcome







Desired Outcome







Mallory’s Leave Update

  • Update from Mallory regarding her leave

    • Discuss / determine next steps

10 mins

Mallory / Team

  • Can someone else do the Zoom? Then Mallory can come when she comes. → Tom set up the new zoom. Make it automatically record. Jackie can do notes.

  • Mallory will come when she can!


@Tom Bustos will set-up the new Zoom meetings for both OT and OT-SC meetings; OT-SC meetings starting on 8/17/22 and OT meetings starting on 8/24/22

Should we have a CDL rep?

  • Discuss whether we should add a CDL rep to the OT roster

5 mins

Caitlin / Team

  • Would it be useful to have a more CDL rep on OT

    • Caitlin is at CDL, but her CDL-wide knowledge is more limited because she is serving mostly in the role of SSM

    • Would be helpful from an optional standpoint; don’t always need a CDL rep but depending on the discussion and the agenda, it could be helpful

    • Would be good to ask all of OT at our next meeting


@Mallory Gianola will add the “Should we have a CDL rep on OT” topic to the agenda for next week’s OT meeting

CMCKG request for Ethical and Inclusive Metadata Practices team

  • Discuss action item from previous OT-SC Meeting

    • Do we have an updated doc from the Proposed Project Manager and the Proposed Backup Project Manager?

  • Discuss Goals/Plan for this document at next week’s OT Meeting

10 mins


  • Action item from previous OT-SC Meeting:

    • Tom will send the draft charge for the Ethical and Inclusive Metadata Practices in UC Library Search Project Team to Catherine and TJ and ask for them to sign-off on it, make comments or questions, and empower them to share it as appropriate; ask them to get back to us with the vetted copy of the charge by 7/26 at noon

    • Any update on this?

      • Tom hasn’t heard anything back from Catherine or TJ, but had some email issues while he was out

      • Tom will follow-up with Catherine and TJ via email to see if they have an updated charge to share with us, or any comments or questions about the draft charge

  • Goals/Plan for this document at next week’s OT Meeting

    • Should OT vote on this after we hear back from Catherine and TJ?

      • This would probably be fine; not an urgency to get this group charged, but there is some excitement

      • Include it in the agenda for next week, and hopefully we’ll hear back from Catherine and Jeremy before the OT meeting


@Tom Bustos will follow-up with Catherine and TJ to see if they have any comments or questions about the draft charge for the Ethical and Inclusive Metadata Practices in UC Library Search Project Team

UC Alma User counts

  • Further discussion of this topic in preparation for next week’s OT Meeting

15 mins


  • Further discussion of this topic in preparation for next week’s OT Meeting

    • Preface the information we’re sharing and expectations for reviewing this information

    • Ask folks to provide context about their campus' numbers; send each campus rep a Google Doc where they can see their number and add their context

  • Once we get closer to the year-3 mark when we would renegotiate terms, that is when we would need to reevaluate our numbers more closely

  • Next steps:

    • Provide each campus with their numbers and ask for their feedback/context

    • Screen share the overall spreadsheet in the OT meeting to provide everyone with an idea of where we stand as a consortia


@Mallory Gianola will make the UC Alma User Counts 2022 Check-In Google Doc for each campus and send them to each OT member/Campus Rep; Mallory will ask folks to complete their write-up before next week’s OT Meeting
@Tom Bustos will send a Slack message asap to let folks know Mallory will be sending out info about the UC Alma User Counts and to let folks know this is just a check-in

Following-Up with Project Teams and Working Groups

  • Discuss / review template that Caitlin was going to provide for the quarterly written updates

  • Discuss Goals/Plan for this topic at next week’s OT Meeting

15 mins


  • Discuss / review template that Caitlin was going to provide for the quarterly written updates

    • These look like good questions to ask

    • Having every group fill this out every quarter would be helpful; also offer to have them come to an OT meeting as well to address any concerns, etc.

      • Would be good to provide them with an option for private concerns

        • Template would be going to Chair and Co-Chair; add a statement on the template to let folks know that beyond these specific questions, the OT-SC is always available to discuss any sensitive concerns should you have any at any time

    • These are good questions to ask the OSTs as well as the Project Teams

      • The OSTs template would be a different format though; add this to the OT-SC parking lot to discuss at a later point

  • Discuss Goals/Plan for this topic at next week’s OT Meeting

    • Share this template with the OT at next week’s Meeting

    • Mallory will send out the template as a pre-read for next week’s meeting


@Mallory Gianola will send out the Project Team Check-in Template to the OT as a pre-read for next week’s meeting

Build agenda for next OT meeting

Build and finalize the agenda for next week’s OT meeting

5 mins


  • See proposed agenda here




Parking Lot

Capture important topics for future discussion



  • Discuss a template for checking-in with OSTs, similar to the template built for the Project Teams






60 mins






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