2022-08-17 OT-SC Meeting notes
Thomas Bustos, Chair
Jackie Gosselar, Vice Chair
Caitlin Nelson
Mallory Gianola, Support Member
Item | Desired Outcome | Time | Who | Notes | Decisions | Actions | |
1 | Adding CDL Rep to OT |
| 22 mins | Tom / Caitlin / Team |
| @Tom Bustos will write-up a blurb that explains that OT wants an NZ administrator who has superuser access to Ex Libris account present in the OT as a permanent member and will forward this request to LG
2 | OT Support Person |
| 5 mins | Tom / Team |
| @Tom Bustos will schedule the Zoom meetings for OT and OT-SC starting with the August 31 meeting |
3 | CMCKG request for Ethical and Inclusive Metadata Practices team |
| 2 mins | Team |
4 | Following-Up with Project Teams and Working Groups |
| 10 mins | Team |
| @Tom Bustos will share the Project Team Check-in Template with LG to see if they’re interested in having the Data Privacy and Security Materials group complete this template as well, since that group reports to LG @Tom Bustos will share the Project Team Check-in Template with All Chairs and see if they’re interested in filling out something similar for the OSTs @Mallory Gianola will make a Project Team Check-Ins Folder in the Project Team materials folder; and will make a subfolder for September 2022 @Mallory Gianola will make a copy of the Project Team Check-In Template for each Project Team, and put the copies in the September 2022 folder @Mallory Gianola will send a copy of the Project Team Check-In Template to the Facilitator / Chair of the following Project Teams, and ask them to complete it by Friday, September 2nd @Caitlin Nelson will clean-up the Confluence to include the listserv address on the group home pages @Caitlin Nelson will clean-up the SILS Rosters page to include all of the project teams |
5 | UC Alma User counts |
| 10 mins | Team |
6 | Lived Name Information Gathering |
| 10 mins | Tom / Team |
7 | Build agenda for next OT meeting |
| 2 mins | Team |
8 | Parking Lot | Capture important topics for future discussion |
9 |
| Total | 62 mins |
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