2022-08-17 OT-SC Meeting notes

2022-08-17 OT-SC Meeting notes


  • Thomas Bustos, Chair

  • Jackie Gosselar, Vice Chair

  • Caitlin Nelson

  • Mallory Gianola, Support Member



Desired Outcome







Desired Outcome







Adding CDL Rep to OT

  • Determine next steps for adding CDL Rep to OT

22 mins

Tom / Caitlin / Team

  • At the 8/10 OT meeting, OT agreed that it would make sense to add a CDL rep to the OT; some folks suggested Gem

  • Further discussion:

    • CDL would like to know why and what’s the charge / expectation in the sense of what can they do on that meeting that Caitlin can’t do?

      • Superuser account; seeing tickets that OT-SC might be missing

    • If we are adding a new member (SSM is ex-officio and not CDL rep) then we are changing our charge and membership; so do we have to go back to DOC and LG to explain why we are looking for a CDL rep that is not the SSM, and then add an addendum to the OT Charge?

    • What was the reasoning for adding a non-SSM CDL Rep?

      • It came up as part of the annual evaluation / review

    • System administration and coordination of the operation of the NZ (NZ administration) would be another good reason for adding this second CDL person, since this doesn’t fall under the SSM

    • Just want to make sure we document the skillset of this CDL rep that is different than the SSM

      • NZ administration would be that different skillset; so would be good for Gem to be in this role

  • Next Steps:

    • Write-up a blurb that explains that OT wants an NZ administrator who has superuser access to Ex Libris account present in the OT as a permanent member; explaining we are requesting this expertise

      • This request would have to go to LG first, then LG says yes and ratifies the need, then it goes to DOC (particularly Sarah Houghton who authorizes the FTE), then it gets formally approved


@Tom Bustos will write-up a blurb that explains that OT wants an NZ administrator who has superuser access to Ex Libris account present in the OT as a permanent member and will forward this request to LG



OT Support Person

  • Update on requesting OT Support Person replacement

5 mins

Tom / Team

  • Request went out to DOC listserv today to find a new support person for OT

  • Would be helpful to have this new support person in place before Mallory’s departure, so there can be some overlap and training

  • Mallory’s schedule is set through end of next week, but would be helpful for Tom to set-up the Zoom meetings for the OT and OT-SC meetings starting with the August 31 meeting


@Tom Bustos will schedule the Zoom meetings for OT and OT-SC starting with the August 31 meeting

CMCKG request for Ethical and Inclusive Metadata Practices team

  • Discuss Goals/Plan for this document at next week’s OT Meeting

2 mins


  • At the 8/10 OT meeting, OT decided to postpone voting on this until the next meeting when Jackie and Caitlin could both be present

  • Tom also hadn’t heard back from TJ at the 8/10 meeting; any update from TJ since the 8/10 meeting?

    • Tom got a Slack from TJ - he’s in favor

  • This topic will be included in next week’s OT meeting agenda for formal vote of approving the charge




Following-Up with Project Teams and Working Groups

10 mins


  • At the 8/10 OT meeting, OT agreed that this template looks good, with John’s added question, and agreed to move forward with sending this out to project teams and working groups to see how it works

  • What are the next steps?

    • Should we send this to all of the Project Teams and Working Groups, or just some as a pilot? Who will be sending? etc.

    • OT-SC should send out the template with a deadline

      • Explain this is part of our regular check-ins, this is the first time the group is receiving this, but they will likely receive it again in a few months

      • In lieu of meeting with the group and having them present an update report, we are asking groups to fill-out the template

      • Deadline will be Friday, September 2nd

    • Make a Google Folder “Project Team Check-Ins”, Subfolder “September 2022” and make a copy of the template for each group

      • Make the Project Team Check-Ins Folder in the Project Team materials folder

    • Tom will share this template with LG to see if they’re interested in having the Data Privacy and Security Materials group complete this template as well, since they report to LG

    • Tom will share the Project Team Check-In Template with All Chairs and see if they’re interested in filling out something similar for the OSTs

    • Mallory will make a Project Team Check-Ins Folder in the Project Team materials folder; and will make a subfolder for September 2022

    • Mallory will make a copy of the Project Team Check-In Template for each Project Team, and put the copies in the September 2022 folder

    • Mallory will send a copy of the Project Team Check-In Template to the Facilitator / Chair of the following Project Teams, and ask them to complete it by Friday, September 2nd

    • Caitlin will clean-up the Confluence to include the listserv address on the group home pages

    • Caitlin will clean-up the SILS Rosters page to include all of the project teams


@Tom Bustos will share the Project Team Check-in Template with LG to see if they’re interested in having the Data Privacy and Security Materials group complete this template as well, since that group reports to LG
@Tom Bustos will share the Project Team Check-in Template with All Chairs and see if they’re interested in filling out something similar for the OSTs
@Mallory Gianola will make a Project Team Check-Ins Folder in the Project Team materials folder; and will make a subfolder for September 2022
@Mallory Gianola will make a copy of the Project Team Check-In Template for each Project Team, and put the copies in the September 2022 folder
@Mallory Gianola will send a copy of the Project Team Check-In Template to the Facilitator / Chair of the following Project Teams, and ask them to complete it by Friday, September 2nd
@Caitlin Nelson will clean-up the Confluence to include the listserv address on the group home pages
@Caitlin Nelson will clean-up the SILS Rosters page to include all of the project teams

UC Alma User counts

  • Discuss how this discussion went at the 8/10 OT Meeting, and discuss Goals/Plan for this document at next week’s OT Meeting

10 mins


  • Discussed the differences of numbers that campuses have

  • Discussed that we can’t change the overall numbers before the end of the contract

  • Tom shared UCM’s situation, which he thinks mimics others, not following the policy to the letter

    • Would be difficult to manage all of the student user accounts

  • Question regarding changes to the cost model

  • What are we going to do with this information?

    • The cost model and configuration were our best estimate; year 1 has passed and year 2 is still info gathering

    • We are giving this information as an FYI and not expecting to make changes at this time, but we are going to continue to information gather in anticipation for years 3 and 4, when we’ll have the opportunity to renegotiate the contract, cost model, etc.

      • In 2023/2024, at this point after year 2, then we start looking at there being a change in anticipation of the negotiation

      • We want to do our internal work now so we know what we’re asking for at the point of renegotiation

        • January 2024 will be the start of the renegotiation

          • There is no opportunity to renegotiate numbers until 2024

      • No changes now, but we want to keep an eye on this for the next year

    • This information should be shared back at next week’s OT meeting




Lived Name Information Gathering

  • Review and discuss LG’s request for each campus to supply information related to the Lived Name policy

  • Deadline is September 9th

  • Lived Name folder and spreadsheet

10 mins

Tom / Team

  • Alma/Primo have the ability to display Lived Name, if you populate it, it's there

    • The software itself is in compliance, but it would be about the campuses getting it from their systems; is that right?

      • Need to ensure that Primo is configured so that only the Lived Name is displayed to the user

      • If on the Alma side, only the legal name is displayed, that is fine - according to the policy

      • In order for Primo to be in compliance, the information from the campus system needs to be there

        • In a lot of cases, campuses will be out of compliance until their campus IT is in compliance with this policy, because they are the origin of the source data

    • Aeon is not compliant, because it asks for legal name; not sure if this is out of scope

      • This does seem like scope creep; along with other non Alma/Primo systems (VDX, etc.)

    • According to the policy itself, some campuses are fully in compliance because their ingesting the correct information

      • The SILS governance team doesn’t control the student information system

      • At what point do we go to DOC and explain that this isn’t a SILS issue, its more of an issue of whoever runs the campus' student information system?

        • Want to be clear that the campuses explain that they will not be in compliance until these other systems (that aren’t run by the library) are in compliance




Build agenda for next OT meeting

  • Build and finalize the agenda for next week’s OT meeting

2 mins


  • See proposed agenda here




Parking Lot

Capture important topics for future discussion









62 mins






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