DISC (Go Live) Display Campus Names as "UC [xxx]" in Primo

Legend: not started IN PROGRESS STALLED decided




There is currently not a harmonized campus naming convention and this is reflected in the Primo display. Some campuses have chosen “UC” others “University of California;” some campus names include a comma while others do not. Should we adopt a standard, harmonized naming convention?


We recommend harmonizing the campus names using the convention “UC [xxx]”

Owning group

Discovery FG




R = Discovery FG, ICs
A = Discovery FG
C =  ICs
I = End User Outreach Subgroup, FFG

Decision-making process

  • Reviewed current Primo interfaces

  • Consulted with ExLibris on the ramifications of this change and how to implement it

  • Consulted with IC group


Soon After Go-live

Due date

Sep 17, 2021


We recommend harmonizing the campus name displayed to end users in the “UC Libraries” facet group. Campuses names should be structured to match the convention “UC [xxx]” (eg. “UC Irvine” or “UC Los Angeles”).

Through discussions with ExLibris, we have determined that the best method for achieving this change in the facet panel is via custom JavaScript.

Each campus will need to add the JavaScript to their Primo VE instance. This code is currently stored in the Discovery FG Google Drive in the UC Facets Folder.


  • Campuses are not using a standard convention for their names in the “Organization unit name” field in Alma; this causes two problems:

    • 1) The campus names do not sort as expected in the “UC Libraries” facet panel when some campuses begin with “UC” and others with “University of California”

    • 2) Lists of the campus names are more difficult for users to scan without a harmonized naming convention

  • Using “UC” rather than the full “University of California” will allow all campus names to fit on a single row in the “UC Libraries” facet group (several libraries currently require two rows); thereby improving scanability of the list

  • Upon consultation with ExLibris, it is undesirable for already-Alma campuses to change their Organization unit name in Alma using a standardized convention due to knock-on effects with Alma Analytics and SUSHI (see Basecamp post and Support Ticket #00978747). This left JavaScripting as the only method for changing the display of this facet group.


No dependencies identified

Questions to consider

What are the benefits and risks of harmonizing on a campus naming convention?

How is the end user experience impacted by the campus name as it is displayed/used in Primo?

What are the options for making this change?


Action Log

Action/Point Person

Expected Completion Date



Action/Point Person

Expected Completion Date



Consult with ExLibris




Consult with IC group




PPC for approval




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Question? Contact AskSILS-L@ucop.edu