DISC (Go Live) Exclude Records from Discovery Network

Legend: not started IN PROGRESS STALLED decided




The presence of records from another campus that cannot be obtained via interampus sharing or Aeon request can create a negative user experience for users. Such records should be marked for exclusion from the Discovery Network. In order to successfully exclude marked records, campuses will need to adjust their search profile configurations.


Campuses should exclude records from the Discovery Network when users from other campuses are not able to request the item through intercampus sharing or reading room access through Aeon.

Campuses should configure their search profile using the settings described in this decision page in order to exclude records marked for exclusion by other campuses.

Owning group

Discovery FG




R = Discovery FG
A = Discovery FG
C =  FFG, RMFG, SC&A Cataloging CKG
I = ICs

Decision-making process

  • ExLibris provided information on how to exclude identified records

  • Tested exclusion using Sandbox Primos

  • Consulted with RMFG group


Soon After Go-live

Due date


[After consultation with local campuses, SC&A Escalation Leaders Group, and RMFG, Discovery FG has decided to reevaluate this issue in 6 months – March 2022. No urgent use cases necessitating this configuration change were identified at this time. Discovery FG recommends reevaluating once usability data is available and additional data clean up has taken place. Discovery FG should seek out any emergent use cases at that time.]

We recommend that campuses exclude a record from the Discovery Network when an item is both 1) not shareable via intercampus sharing and 2) not a special or unique item or collection of interest to researchers. Examples of items that fall into both categories: equipment records, study room keys, etc.

For items that would be of interest to researchers, yet cannot be shared via intercampus sharing, it is advisable to use the Resource Sharing Restriction Rules by Location option.

The following must be included in the MARC record to mark the record for exclusion from the Discovery Network: 520 _ _ $$a Exclude from discovery network

Note that the Resource Management Functional Group had initially identified the 899 field for the exclusion note, but ExLibris was unable to use this field for exclusion purposes.

Campuses must change their search profile configuration for the Articles, Books, and More search profile in order to successfully exclude the records marked for exclusion by other campuses.


The inclusion of these records may result in a negative user experience when users from one campus discover such an item at another campus and submit a resource request for the item, only to have the request denied.

Search Profile Configuration

1) Create two new Custom Local Data Scopes



2) Modify the Articles, Books, and More search profile to include:


No dependencies identified

Questions to consider

What are the benefits and risks of excluding records from the Discovery Network?

When is it appropriate to exclude a record from the Discovery Network?


Action Log

Action/Point Person

Expected Completion Date



Action/Point Person

Expected Completion Date



Test MARC field and Search Profile configurations




Consult with RMFG group




PPC for approval




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