2021-01-28 PM Leads Meeting notes
@Christine Barone (Unlicensed) , Co-chair, PM Leads
@Joanna Kang (Unlicensed), PM Leads
@Lena Zentall (Unlicensed) , Co-chair, PM Leads
@Caitlin Nelson, SILS Service Manager, out on leave
Discussion items
Item | Desired Outcome | Time | Who | Notes | Decisions | Actions | |
1 | Checkin/quick updates/anything from slack or email
| 0 | All |
2 | Training, IC, PPC, SSM, EUOS |
| 30 | All |
Accessibility - SILS guidance/governance
Learning curve anxieties and messaging
| @Christine Barone (Unlicensed) and @Lena Zentall (Unlicensed) to talk to GW and CS about suggestions for either reaching the branding people at UCOP or getting Kimmy access to the UC fonts @Christine Barone (Unlicensed) and @Lena Zentall (Unlicensed) to ask if accessibility is a priority for the SILS project. Can IT use an accessibility statement on their trainings (“If you need accommodations, please request them two weeks in advance”)? If so, can resources be given to IT to have transcripts corrected? Does this need WG and/or CoUL approval? Brian David could be a contact for anyone wanting to discuss access in more detail. What is the SILS guidance/mandate on the accessibility of content created by SILS? (see notes for more) @Christine Barone (Unlicensed) and @Lena Zentall (Unlicensed) a request for some type of communication from senior leadership about what expectations are for day 1. IT is hearing concern from public facing staff about the security of their jobs, unrealistic expectations of managers with regard to the level of expertise they will have on day 1 and managing faculty and patron unhappiness with their lack of skill in the new system. |
3 | Premortem followup work | Finish premortem followup work. | 15 |
| Premortem checkins - Continue work MOVE TO NEXT WEEK’S AGENDA |
4 | SILS All Chairs meeting (recurring)
Post to SILS Chairs slack channel on Monday before meeting: If no agenda items or pressing issues by EOD Monday, we’ll cancel the Wednesday meeting. | Topics for next meeting: Feb 10
| 0 | All |
5 | Parking Lot |
| If time: timeline questions |
6 |
| 5 | All | Any actions or decisions missed? |
7 |
| Total | 50/50 |
The SILS mission is to transform library services and operations through innovation and collaboration. The future is shared!
Question? Contact AskSILS-L@ucop.edu