2020-06-30 Op Leads (PM) Meeting notes


Jun 30, 2020 11-12 pm


  • @Christine Barone (Unlicensed) , Co-chair, PM Leads, out

  • @Lena Zentall (Unlicensed) , Co-chair, PM Leads

  • @Ben Alkaly (Unlicensed), Com Leads

  • @Caitlin Nelson, PPC/IC liaison (incoming SILS Service Manager)

  • @Adrian Petrisor, Com Leads

  • @Neil Weingarten, PM Leads

Discussion items


Desired Outcome







Desired Outcome







Checkin/quick updates

Shorten meetings to 50 minutes? Update the calendar invite or just agree to stop at 50 minutes? Stop at 50 minutes

Anything pressing for July 2 Ops Leads meeting or cancel? Keep.



  • Keep July 2 meeting - Step B next steps

  • SSM starts officially on July 1 - yay!




SILS Service Manager (recurring)








SILS All Chairs meeting (recurring)

  • Note-taking: Lena

  • Facilitating: Neil

  • Monitoring chat: Ben, Lena (If you ask a question for the speaker you are purposely not interrupting so wait until the end of the speakers talk/obvious pause)

  • Track attendance (lightweight - count?): Ben

Topic for next meeting on July 1: Principles (Günter), Decision template (see below)



  • Invite IT members to SILS Chairs meeting? No, IT will have a separate meeting.

  • Ask at SILS chairs meeting if they would use the Google form for submitting Q&A questions or prefer to manage questions within their group and post them to basecamp themselves?

  • Lay out the expectations for what Chairs need to do for the cohort (their group)

  • Lay out the expectations for what IT does for their local campus group

  • Test how it works to do a hybrid of Cohort questions on Basecamp and using the google form this first round of training

  • Answer any Alma Certification questions


@Neil Weingarten will let Lena know if IT should be invited.

SILS project blog (recurring)

Items for the blog?







Alma Training (recurring)

Catch everyone up on Alma Vanguard Training communications plan and upcoming work for IT

What deliverables are we producing? How can we support everyone? How are we communicating?


Neil, Caitlin

  • Ex Libris moved the training dates forward 2 weeks to allow us time to wrangle everyone and figure out logistics with Internal Training (for local groups) and SILS chairs (for the cohort)

  • Because Basecamp is not open to everyone, chairs and IT members need to transfer the relevant information from Basecamp to the applicable cohort members and local campus group members.

  • Because local campus groups do not have access to our SILS google shared drive, they need to create place locally for documents.

  • Sandbox access lives in Basecamp and URL and logins need to be shared. Sandbox is where the training exercises happen.

  • Is there a master list of all information so people can do the training at any time? A flexible approach may be useful at this time.

  • People may want to go quickly through training that’s not of critical interest to them and spend more time to dig deeply into areas of high interest so having all the information up front allows for more flexible scheduling (e.g., by interest, vacations, etc.)

  • Are exercises done together as a group? Not the actual exercises but the Q&A is a joint effort.

  • IT/Local campus groups: Using a google form for all campuses for local groups to get questions on a weekly basis. IT group will review the questions and organize a list of questions for posting on Basecamp (remove duplicates, reword as needed). Vanguard questions will have the priority and go to the top. In reality, this training is aimed at the vanguard so the questions should primarily be coming from vanguard institutions. Fine to have duplicate questions because it may bring some nuance to the question.

  • Cohort/Chairs: Google doc for each group so you can see questions to avoid duplication and refine questions. The group prioritizes the order of the questions.

  • How will the Cohort and Local questions be put together on Basecamp?

  • 40 minutes for questions live with Ex Libris. Any questions not answered will be answered later and posted on Basecamp.

  • Caitlin created a spreadsheet to track every person who will participate in training and Q&As to ensure everyone has the information they need (invite, links to materials)

  • IT is not interested in tracking everyone - only certification candidates, in a spreadsheet. Not training everyone going through Alma Essentials.

  • Invite to Q&A: IT will ensure local campus groups have the invite with Zoom info. Chairs will ensure cohort members have the invite.

  • Communicate that Q&As will be recorded and attendance is not necessary to get your questions answered.

  • IT manages the local group participation in training; Chairs manage cohort participation in training.

  • Individual google docs for each session to share with ITs to share locally

  • IT group to wait to send email to IT members Wednesday after the SILS Chairs meeting in case anything changes




(Ops Leads) Ongoing checkin

  1. Is anything blocked or behind schedule?

  2. What deliverables are coming in the next week?

  3. Any decisions, consultations or approvals needed in the next week? 

  4. Do you need anything?







(COM) SILS Communications Calendar

Awareness of upcoming communications and anything needed


Ben, Adrian

Hold until July 2




Work in progress (Com Leads)



Ben, Adrian



@Ben Alkaly (Unlicensed) and @Caitlin Nelson to work together to coordinate posting of SILS principles since they link to harmonization principles.

Work in progress (PM Leads)

  • All chairs meeting

  • Premortem risk actions

  • RACI

  • Training webinars on project tools and best practices

  • Phase 3.5 report


Christine, Lena, Neil





Parking Lot















Future Agenda items

  1. Review outstanding premortem risk mitigation actions with PM Lead

The SILS mission is to transform library services and operations through innovation and collaboration. The future is shared!

Question? Contact AskSILS-L@ucop.edu