2021-04-02 PPC Meeting notes

2021-04-02 PPC Meeting notes


  • @Claudia Horning (Unlicensed), Co-Chair

  • @Xiaoli Li , Co-Chair

  • @Beth Callahan (Unlicensed)

  • @Elizabeth Miraglia

  • @Jess Waggoner

  • @Lisa Spagnolo

  • @Danelle Moon (Unlicensed)

  • @Elizabeth Rodriguez (Unlicensed)

  • @Christine Barone (Unlicensed) PM

  • Guest:

    • Sarah Houghton, CDL 3:30-4

Not attending

  • @Josephine Tan (Unlicensed)

Discussion items


Desired Outcome







Desired Outcome







Check-in / updates

Information sharing and problem-solving



AEFG: Continued progress on Import Profiles related MVP item, in collaboration with RMFG. Continued progress on initial E-Res-related MVP items related to linking between CDL/NZ and IZ activity for consortial resources, and how to start workflows for local e-resource ordering. Pending request for ExL special meeting re: advanced invoicing topics, tax handling, etc.

Fulfillment: Working on configuring NCIP so we can test. Testing manual patron blocks and the effects they have on AFN borrowing. Working on recommendations for required patron data fields based on our experience trying to pull in user records from other UCs.

DCFG: Hit a roadblock trying to ingest from OAC, so we’re scheduling an appointment with ExL to help us troubleshoot. In April, we will focus on ingesting records from Calisphere and local repositories.





Discuss and approve proposed decisions








  1. (Go-live and beyond) Migrating/managing local Open Access (OA) bibliographic records

    1. post-migration, campuses should add the 506 field for OA records (not required but strongly encouraged).

    2. Required wording for that field has been created so that the “unlocked” icon will display.

  2. (Go-live) Local 856 bibliographic data

    1. Request that campuses copy data in 856 fields to 956 fields; RMFG will request that CDL remove 856 40 fields soon after 8/15 and 856 41 fields beginning 9/15

      1. Rules would be created to be run against data to remove it.

    2. Hold this decision for now until AEFG has a chance to review and add to it.

  3. Can we review this PPC page: (Vanguard and Test Load) Preparation of Campus SCP Data

    1. Make a new page, revise and bring back to next PPC meeting

  4. Who should be responsible for naming the AFN functionality, FFFG or DFG?


Link any OA decisions to PSELG’s OA decision page

  1. Approved (Liz will add tags, Beth will link to OA page)

  2. Hold this decision for now until AEFG can review and add to it next week.

  3. Liz M to revise, create a new page, and bring back to next PPC meeting

  4. Discovery will label in consultation with FFFG

@Beth Callahan (Unlicensed) will link decision #1 to PSELG’s decision page on OA
@Elizabeth Miraglia to create new decision page for #3, add revisions, and bring back to next PPC
@Lisa Spagnolo will take decision #2 to AEFG for review and revision and bring back to next PPC

Test Load

When can we share the document Collaborative Workflow Testing and with whom (cohort and beyond)?

Scheduling the work, especially those needing cross-FG coordination




Collaborative Workflow Testing

  • Focus on migration decisions first and workflow decisions second. Migration decisions should be made by end of April. Check back on this and MVP document in April.

  • PPC should confirm all priority 1 - set by the end of March.

  • Can be shared with cohort. Available in the PPC folder.

  • Confirm FGs will be using the timeline / spreadsheet for scheduling testing and cross-FG coordination.

    • Use it if it’s helpful

    • Each FG will add a tab for their own group

Not a replacement for MVP, just a method of tracking and ensuring that anyone who may have a stake in this is involved

@Christine Barone (Unlicensed) share with ICs in case there is anything of value here for them. Not to be shared beyond cohort; not for local testers


Review of actions from 3/24 SILS Chairs



  • PPC to draft questions for sending to the Alma consortia list to see what flavor of CDI they are using and what their experience has been.

  • PPC to draft timeline for CDI (EA v FF) investigation so we don’t run out of time for making a decision. See update from PMs Q to Marci about this:

    1. [Q to Marci] Based on Marina’s response to our question about CDI models, UCs understand themselves to have a choice about whether they will use the FF or EA model for production (understanding that right now test load is set up to be EA). If UCs decide they want the FF model, what is the timeline for making that decision?

      1. [Marci’s response so far] Sent to Marina for follow-up (she already sent message to Product Management and Development). Will update you when we have more info. 

  • DFG: UCSC will test to gather data on EA expand box vs. PCI FF, user experience, and how many records come through. It’s not quite an apples to apples comparison, but will bring data back to DFG.

    • Users do not tend to use the “expand” search box

  • DFG will gather data this week to discuss




CDL Managed Services

Feedback on draft list of CDL managed services

  1. Is this the right level of detail? Too much, too little, just right?

  2. What is the primary goal in having us create this list? To have a document to refer to when questions come up? To allay concerns about who will manage what?

  3. What else do you want us to know about what you are hoping to get out of this document?



  • This document is a starting point; it is a living document

  • As information is filled in, some areas may indicate that the answer is not yet known. This is an honest answer since so much is new and is still unknown.

  • The SSM will be the one-stop shop to ask questions of

  • PPC makes policies, but not sure who will do the work, e.g., MARCIVE records that need to be loaded into the NZ. Who will do this work?

  • CDL is spread across two locations and multiple areas. CDL not configured like a central office. Knowing who will do what is not always known. Q: Ultimately, who will manage and maintain the NZ? Short answer: This will be done in conjunction with shared governance.

  • CDL will continue to flesh out the document. Sarah H. will act as point person/contact if questions or issues arise in PPC. One issue that needs immediate attention is MARCIVE records.




PM Update

Awareness of what’s happening / coming soon in the project





List of meetings on Basecamp












Parking Lot




Future meeting:

  • AEFG questions that came up were re: coordination of Analytics (cross-function?)

  • and... how the Selector role in Alma is changing (people will care, prob fits w/ AEFG, but overloads us....)












Future agenda items



The SILS mission is to transform library services and operations through innovation and collaboration. The future is shared!

Question? Contact AskSILS-L@ucop.edu