2020-06-05 PPC Meeting notes


  • @Beth Callahan (Unlicensed)

  • @Danelle Moon (Unlicensed)

  • @Claudia Horning (Unlicensed)

  • @Elizabeth Miraglia

  • @Lisa Spagnolo

  • @Josephine Tan (Unlicensed)

  • @Elizabeth Rodriguez (Unlicensed)

  • @Neil Weingarten transitioning off

  • @Caitlin Nelson

  • @Xiaoli Li

  • @Christine Barone (Unlicensed) PM

Not attending

Discussion items


Desired Outcome







Desired Outcome








Plant a seed for PM support for the RACI / communication portion of each Decision page



The RACI and communication section of each Decision page should be filled out and the PM / SSM are offering time to help chairs do that. How can we work that out? Ideas? What would you need?

  • Private sessions to review current Decisions just to go over things?

  • PM review of current ones

  • Chairs can reach out to PMs anytime to go over stuff




Check-in / updates

Helping to support each other by making space for initial discussion.

Sharing key takeaways from Q&A meeting with ExL.




Review action items from last meeting.

Every group had a Q&A meeting with ExL. Please be prepared to share key takeaways from these meetings.

  • Liz M: we might need another session before go-live just to talk about what has come up. We got a lot of documentation-based answers to our questions, and we did get through everything.

  • Xiaoli: TSELG/RM combined group: This group is trying to understand the broader impact rather than operational details.

  • Lisa: Helpful. Did clear up some questions related to vendors / vendor records / subaccounts, etc. SUSHI and usage stats.

  • Caitlin: Legacy data - this is popping up everywhere, do we need to issue a principle or something to help people?

    • Lisa: It depends, there’s a tension between kinds of staff (frontline vs. admin) and different types of data. It also depends on how easy it is to load.

    • Xiaoli: wait for the vanguard experience to tell us more - it may be better to clean up first, or maybe ok to do data cleanup later

  • Josephine: 10 questions, very specific. Found it helpful and ExL added extensive notes for Discovery. Discovery FG was given the Go Live Readiness Checklist that Josephine will place in the PPC folder on Gdrive and slack it on #sils-chairs

  • Claudia: Submitted questions early, but they didn’t have written answers by the meeting, those were supplied afterwards. Meeting with ExL was still good and informative. Digital collections will be doing an environmental scan and this meeting confirmed this is a good way for them to begin.

  • Liz R: Fulfillment had about 11 questions that ExL posted right before the meeting, but the answers were thorough. Their questions mainly surrounded setting up a fulfillment network and rotas. Ex Libris needed to understand better what SRLF and NRLF are. They also asked about serials and if patrons would be able to select individual volumes, but that is not possible. Will have to go with a title based-approach. If using an item-based approach, they will not be able to use rotas at all. No level of harmonization is required for loan rules. Patron blocks will not automatically show up at other campuses. Asked whether a fulfillment network could be set up in vanguard phase. ExL will help with that. Can be done as soon as patron data is loaded. Will try an item-based approach first for the first part of the vanguard and switch to the other for second half of phase.

  • Xiaoli: test what ExL tells us is possible - don’t just take their word for it. Also, everything doesn’t have to be done and perfect by go-live.

  • Beth: Had a few questions for ExL. It was a good discussion. They mainly looked at the NZ v. the IZ. Also, this group is not doing a visioning.

  • Danelle: Group did not meet with ExL, but can do so at a future date if desired. Let Caitlin know.

The vanguard is a test and it would be good for us to use the FGs to do some A/B testing

How do we want to document our learnings? (Basecamp is overwhelming… Do we move stuff to Confluence somehow?)

How do we want to document what we’re going to test?

  • What if we had a “test plan” page for certain high-level decisions? Sure, let’s try that.

  • Document the migration issues and what went wrong, and trying to avoid those things in the next load.

  • Configuration: deciding between ways of doing things

  • What workflows are implicated?

Update on group visioning exercise:

  • TSELG’s vision document

  • Lisa: Group has had other deliverables to focus on and hasn’t circled back to this yet.

  • Confluence is a good place to document these visionings when they are ready

Make a new template to reflect Vanguard test plan where testing ideas/strategies can be documented

Groups to place vision statement document on Confluence when they are ready.

@Caitlin Nelson will create a template for the test plan (This never happened / wasn’t necessary)



Update on PPC Alma / Primo certification

Understand the group’s thought about the proposal that each PPC member needs to become Alma/Primo certified.



Current assumption: all of PPC needs to be Alma certified in order to understand everything - is this true?

  • Is there an actual need for all PPC to be certified? Could members whose FG has either an Alma or Primo focus get certified in the module that makes the most sense to their expertise?

  • What is the baseline of knowledge necessary for the PPC?

Alma certification: https://knowledge.exlibrisgroup.com/Alma/Training/Alma_Administration_Certification/01_Certification_Overview_Page

  • Approx. 12 hours of videos for Alma

  • There are certifications for both Alma and Primo




Review configuration forms

What things can be harmonized

Understand what forms needed for the NZ configuration; which group will complete them.





To learn more about configuration in Alma, watch videos listed under Configuration during Implementation

Which group is configure to do the Network Zone? Is it CDL? Who is the designated point person at least for the Vanguard?


@Caitlin Nelson to find out who the point person should be for configuring the NZ

Order of the Network Zone Decision

Vote on approving it?



The decision page was approved by fist of five: 8 5s; 2 4s.





Notes from after the meeting



  • What about the RLFs? Are we sure that Ex Libris understands enough about the RLFs to help us migrate them in sufficiently? What special needs are associated with the RLFs that we need to call out?

    • Fulfillment / ILL

    • Cataloging

    • Is it the responsibility of the hosting campus to follow up on this?

  • What about the med school(s) / law school(s) - are there special needs that we need to call out?


@Caitlin Nelson check in with ICs on special locations, particularly UCB / UCLA.









Parking Lot

Save these issues for future discussion



Legacy data - maybe come back to this once we have more experience with Vanguard?






90 / 90





Future agenda items


The SILS mission is to transform library services and operations through innovation and collaboration. The future is shared!

Question? Contact AskSILS-L@ucop.edu