2021-04-19 meeting notes

2021-04-19 meeting notes


  • @Elizabeth A. DUPUIS (Unlicensed)

  • @Cynthia Johnson

  • @Micquel Little (Unlicensed)

  • @Rikke Ogawa (Unlicensed)

  • @Sara Davidson Squibb (Unlicensed)

  • @Beth Callahan (Unlicensed)

  • @Vincent Novoa (Unlicensed)

  • @Rebecca Metzger (Unlicensed)

  • @David Schmitt (Unlicensed)

  • @Sarah Houghton

Not attending

  •  @Sarah Troy


  • Facilitator: @Rikke Ogawa (Unlicensed)

  • Notetaker: @Rebecca Metzger (Unlicensed)

  • Timekeeper: @Sara Davidson Squibb (Unlicensed)

Discussion items


Desired Outcome

Time in minutes






Desired Outcome

Time in minutes







Catch-up and gather together









Please add announcement to our meeting notes prior to the meeting.




Discussion + identify next steps



Background for discussion

Lena and Christine shortened the CDI decision page by removing the information they had on the Discovery expand search box.

PSELG has been asked to pursue Questions 3 and 4. Question 2 has been answered (see CDI decision page).

 Questions from CDI decision page:

  1. Do we have a choice of which CDI model to use (FullyFlexible or EasyActive)?

  2. Will EasyActive settings be saved from Test Load to Go-Live? (i.e., if we turn off CDI collections in Test, will that “stick” through Go-Live)

    1. Is there a difference for the already-Alma campuses?

    2. How much work will need to be done right after go-live?

  3. What are the concerns of each campus?
    See: Discovery FG: CDI Findings

  4. What has the experience been of other consortia (CARLI, SUNY, CSU, etc.). EasyActive is a recent development so there may not be many consortia to talk with about it. Note: DFG asked on the Primo list but only heard from one consortia in Australia. They were happy with EasyActive CDI. PMs asked on the ACAG listserv and only heard back from CSU. They are using the FullyFlexible model for local reasons and have found it tricky. Their advice is to watch the latest webinars on CDI.

    1. Which CDI method are they using (EasyActive or FullyFlexible)?

    2. Why?

    3. How is it working?

    4. What advice would they give us?

Note1: The PMs started a sheet with one response from a consortium about CDI, Jessica from CSU. It’s in the PPC “CDI testing” folder. https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1DRwdlXSTd8I_IGox4fj4DwbKjcxqUFsB3h8FRIN80VY/edit#gid=0

Note2: Question 3 needs to be answered and shared back with Ex Libris in a Sales Force ticket. They want to know what our concerns are with EasyActive.

Who on our campuses do we want to ask?

  • Acquisitions

  • E-resource management

  • Public Services

  • Instruction

What questions do we want to ask our campuses re: EasyActive vs. FullyFlexible? ( separate questions for those who do and don’t have Alma)

  • How much time does it take to manage turning things on in FullyFlexible? (For Alma campuses)

  • What kind of knowledge and familiarity is necessary to be efficient using FullyFlexible, eg. There are always issues with matching resource names? (For Alma campuses)

  • Do we have staffing to support FullyFlexible, ie. turning things on? (For Alma campuses)

  • What challenges did you find in implementing discovery layer? (For non-Alma campuses)

  • In light of Discovery Group’s findings, what challenges are you concerned about in discovery start-up? (For non-Alma campuses)

Additional questions for ExLibris:

  • With EasyActive, does ExLibris automatically go in and turn on alternative access in CDI (to get the article metadata in results for EBSCO databases like Academic Search Complete)?

    Answered by Cynthia via slack:
    "With CDI it is no longer necessary to activate alternative coverage collections. In CDI all full text that you have active in Alma or SFX is automatically searchable. This applies to everything regardless of whether we have received the metadata for discovery directly from the provider of a collection that you have activated in the KnowledgeBase. We ingest high quality metadata from many different sources into CDI. In cases where we do not get the data directly from the provider, those titles are mapped against the entire index, and the item-level metadata is activated for search and marked with the Full text available indicator automatically."

  • Campuses who have Alma/Primo wondering if configurations will move over?


@Rikke Ogawa (Unlicensed) and @Rebecca Metzger (Unlicensed) will finalize questions. @Rikke Ogawa (Unlicensed) will send out to group. PSELG has 2 weeks for asking their campuses. Make sure to share Discovery FG findings first.

Tabled Question 4 until next meeting


CDI case study:

  • Implementation strategy

  • Pros/Cons

  • Lessons learned

Education for group


@Cynthia Johnson

Compared UCI and UCSC Primo searches. UCSC default search does not include things available via ILL. UCI chose to focus on discovery, not access; They do not limit by availability. Happy if can be requested via ILL. But massive list to curate. UCI formed group with subject specialists and e-resources to come up with guidelines for what to turn on. Was painful. Based on this experience, @Cynthia Johnson recommends turning things on (EasyActive), instead of off (FullyFlexible).

Should we talk to CSUs about their decisions?




Standing item: As campuses start deeper discussions about SILS, can/should questions come to PSELG as information-sharing.

Support learning & transparency. These discussions will help inform members of PSELG re: decisions made by the functional groups.



Document for reference:




Continue to add to document


Wrap-up and next steps

Review actions and assignments







Parking Lot

Capture important topics for future discussion














Future agenda items


The SILS mission is to transform library services and operations through innovation and collaboration. The future is shared!

Question? Contact AskSILS-L@ucop.edu