2022-02-09 meeting notes

2022-02-09 meeting notes

Date 02/09 at 11:00 am (45 mins)


  1. @David Eifler (Unlicensed)

  2. @Lynne E. Grigsby , co-chair

  3. @S.J. Koller (Unlicensed), co-chair

  4. @Anna Striker

  5. @Hermine Vermeij

  6. @Christine Barone (Unlicensed)

  7. @Jason Newborn

  8. @Judea D'Arnaud , out

  9. Guests:

    1. Alison Wohlers

    2. Jim Dooley

Discussion items


Desired Outcome


Who to facilitate





Desired Outcome


Who to facilitate





Note taker: Vermeij






Systemwide Print Collection Management Strategy (SPCMS) Working Group

Discussion. the Systemwide Print Collection Management Strategy (SPCMS) Working Group, which is charged by CoUL "to evaluate and recommend systemwide, coordinated approaches to RLF deposits and managing the UC Libraries print collective collection." Additionally, their charge notes that "The outcomes and recommendations of this group will be shaped by grappling with a fundamental question of how the UC system views the role of the RLFs and to what degree the trajectory of RLF use warrants systemwide, coordinated approaches," which overlaps significantly with the questions the RCPT is grappling with.

30 minutes

Anna Striker

  • Part 1 report: https://cdlib.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/09/Working-Group-for-Systemwide-Print-Collection-Management-Strategy-Part-1-Report-and-Recommendations.pdf

  • Thinking about implications of centralization

  • Part 2 (led by SCLG) will be about print retention schema for the whole system--ownership, stewardship, etc. of RLF persistent collections.

  • Part 3 - Address area for expansion of print/digital strategy; allocation management; new opportunities to enhance systemwide approaches to print.

  • Faculty/community engagement plan

  • Expanding on part 2 (print retention schema)

    • Recommending centralized ownership/stewardship/custodianship. Deposits are owned by the Regents, not an individual campus.

    • Discovery/fulfillment/preservation decisions should be made by a systemwide body, not an individual campus.

    • General collections deposited to the RLFs - persistence policy. When a deposit is made, there is a transfer of ownership.

    • Implications for business model of our system - need to shape our operations to fit this model. Central funding, etc.

    • Should condition of material be a consideration?

    • How do you manage restricted collections if there is no owning library?

    • Replacement policies - who should pay?

    • Controlled digital lending impact - NRLF copies count for Berkeley e-reserves.

    • Strategic group; not offering operational guidance. But there are some use cases.

  • Hoping part 2 will be approved by summer. Recommendation for centralized custodianship and citizenship has implications for the way that Alma/Primo is set up for the RLFs.





Continued discussion if what we have learned changes anything we were thinking

10 minutes


Ran out of time




Check in on homework

All: Continue reviewing others' documents and make comments / ask questions to ensure clarity/simplicity when we go into writing questions.

5 minutes


Ran out of time.




Next Steps















Future agenda items


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