2022-03-03 Meeting notes

2022-03-03 Meeting notes

Mar 3, 2022 02:00-03:00 PM


  • @Adam Baron

  • @Marcia Barrett

  • @Catherine Busselen (notes)

  • @Shi Deng

  • @TJ Kao

  • @Yoko Kudo

  • @Cathleen Lu

  • @Latasha Means

  • @Elizabeth Miraglia, Chair

  • @Hermine Vermeij, Vice-chair

  • @Sarah Wallbank (Unlicensed)





Desired Outcome







Desired Outcome









10 mins


Welcome back Latasha!


  • All-chairs had its first official meeting this week. Tom Bustos and Caitlin Nelson will co-chair. Liz will be on the All-Chairs Steering committee but not a co-chair

  • UCSD is still getting some short records from Gobi, so we’re investigating why that is

  • UCB fixed problem with duplicate 880 fields; question about whether they should work with CDL to cleanup records already in the NZ

  • UCB’s issue uncovered that campuses are using different merge rules, some are using AEFG some are using allUC merge rule #1 (difference in 774 and 520; question about which is being used for Daily Updates (answer: using allUC merge rule

  • Adriana Moran from CDL Acquisitions is leaving

UCB can leave existing records with duplicate 880 fields; if campuses find that they are problematic, they can update as they come up; we can see how many are not getting updated after a month or so

We should determine what merge rules are being used and then determine if we need to retire or update the AEFG Test Merge Rule

@Elizabeth Miraglia will create a sheet to track what merge rules campuses are using
Everyone: find out whether they use AEFG Gobi Test Merge rule or allUC merge rule #1

Work Plan and Ops Team Handoff

Review Ops handoff, especially ILSDC items and high priority items.

20 mins


Ops Handoff: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1I-GF-uGlcvRB4b3ApZ4i45p7KgWhj8GoP94-v85CV-o/edit#gid=0

  • ILSDC items were handed off to RM-CMOS (as expected), these are highlighted in blue; most of these are campus-specific and not systemwide (campus-specific ones will be moved to separate sheet); two ILSDC items left for systemwide discussion but more like tasks than decisions, we’ll want to determine how we tackle these within the workplan

  • Question about the Authority control line, is this going to be work done at campuses or CDL? Systemwide

Work Plan Template: Work Plan: Resource Management

Start creating Work Plan by looking at High priority items on the Handoff and Medium priority to see if any need to be given higher priority



Free OCLC reclamation

Discuss any new campus comments/questions

10 mins


OCLC confirmed that campuses can send just lists of OCLC numbers.


Everyone have campus add comments on SCP proposal; Shi sending link via RM Slack channel



Batch NZ deletions by CDL

Update on processes, discuss options for CZ records

15 mins


Gem ran a test in the sandbox on 10,000 and everything looks good. Sample report: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1DejhLJZvPmycc-4Ns_rlU9RY5olgzqKY/edit?usp=sharing&ouid=108724953883108583290&rtpof=true&sd=true

Going forward, CDL will limit batch deletions to 10,000 records at a time due to report limits in Alma.

There is an issue with exceptions; many of the “exceptions” do not appear to be anything that should have been identified as such; CDL is working with Ex Libris to identify what happened and how to resolve




Parking Lot

Capture important topics for future discussion



Analytics local params

UCLA - Wondering about bound-withs again. We had talked about doing some kind of UC-wide session in 2022… Before we set our own policies, do we think we’ll have any guidance on:

  • having 014s in holdings records?

  • Use both the 774 and 773?

  • Continue having host bibliographic record or make the first title the parent?

  • Where to include location-specific information? Continue making a 590 or add it in a 773 $3?












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Question? Contact AskSILS-L@ucop.edu