2022-03-03 Meeting notes
Mar 3, 2022 02:00-03:00 PM
@Adam Baron
@Marcia Barrett
@Catherine Busselen (notes)
@Shi Deng
@TJ Kao
@Yoko Kudo
@Cathleen Lu
@Latasha Means
@Elizabeth Miraglia, Chair
@Hermine Vermeij, Vice-chair
@Sarah Wallbank (Unlicensed)
Item | Desired Outcome | Time | Who | Notes | Decisions | Actions | |
1 | Updates/announcements |
| 10 mins |
| Welcome back Latasha! Liz:
| UCB can leave existing records with duplicate 880 fields; if campuses find that they are problematic, they can update as they come up; we can see how many are not getting updated after a month or so We should determine what merge rules are being used and then determine if we need to retire or update the AEFG Test Merge Rule | @Elizabeth Miraglia will create a sheet to track what merge rules campuses are using Everyone: find out whether they use AEFG Gobi Test Merge rule or allUC merge rule #1 |
2 | Work Plan and Ops Team Handoff | Review Ops handoff, especially ILSDC items and high priority items. | 20 mins |
| Ops Handoff: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1I-GF-uGlcvRB4b3ApZ4i45p7KgWhj8GoP94-v85CV-o/edit#gid=0
Work Plan Template: Work Plan: Resource Management | Start creating Work Plan by looking at High priority items on the Handoff and Medium priority to see if any need to be given higher priority |
3 | Free OCLC reclamation | Discuss any new campus comments/questions | 10 mins |
| OCLC confirmed that campuses can send just lists of OCLC numbers. |
| Everyone have campus add comments on SCP proposal; Shi sending link via RM Slack channel
4 | Batch NZ deletions by CDL | Update on processes, discuss options for CZ records | 15 mins |
| Gem ran a test in the sandbox on 10,000 and everything looks good. Sample report: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1DejhLJZvPmycc-4Ns_rlU9RY5olgzqKY/edit?usp=sharing&ouid=108724953883108583290&rtpof=true&sd=true Going forward, CDL will limit batch deletions to 10,000 records at a time due to report limits in Alma. There is an issue with exceptions; many of the “exceptions” do not appear to be anything that should have been identified as such; CDL is working with Ex Libris to identify what happened and how to resolve |
5 | Parking Lot | Capture important topics for future discussion |
| Analytics local params UCLA - Wondering about bound-withs again. We had talked about doing some kind of UC-wide session in 2022… Before we set our own policies, do we think we’ll have any guidance on:
6 |
| Total | /60 |
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