2022-03-31 Meeting notes
Mar 31, 2022 02:00-03:00 PM
@Adam Baron
@Marcia Barrett
@Catherine Busselen
@Shi Deng
@TJ Kao (notes)
@Yoko Kudo
@Cathleen Lu
@Latasha Means
@Elizabeth Miraglia, Chair
@Hermine Vermeij, Vice-chair
@Sarah Wallbank (Unlicensed)
Item | Desired Outcome | Time | Who | Notes | Decisions | Actions | |
1 | Updates/announcements (Please add in advance) |
| 0 |
| UCI - Acquisitions at UCI is proposing to test the GOBI API loading records directly into the NZ. Information: The SILS Acquisitions team is working on a revision to the Vendor Bib Record decision. Since the brief bibs created by the GOBI API include OCLC numbers, we think that campuses using the API can choose to share them immediately with the NZ. If they do that, then the incoming record might be:
In addition to having more complete records for titles on order, we could also ditch the separate step of running the Link to Network job. Import profiles will still be needed to add any local extensions to the bib and update inventory information UCLA (Hermine)
| UCI: API testing can only take place in the production environment. The incoming complete record is using POL as the match point. UCI and UCR both observe the brief records have OCLC numbers. Thing to watch out for: if the OCLC number of the complete record is different from that of the brief record. Adam asks if we should make a decision on what to do with 019. Liz suggests that we remove the 019 with normalization rule at the point of import. | UCR has been doing the GOBI API. If there is any issue, please let Yoko know. Send any question related to the GOBI API to Sarah. Liz will confirm if it is okay for each campus to purchase the individual membership.
2 | Consent agenda item: Batch CZ deletions |
| If no objections, this will start in production |
| The decision will be published as is. |
3 | Free OCLC reclamation |
| 10 mins |
| Should we track campus decisions around participation? UCSC sent in a web form and got information back, including this:
Regarding CDL’s proposal of using 1 OCLC symbol, Shi shared that our setup is rather unique. Also, if we go forward with the proposal, it is irreversible. More discussion will take place within CDL folks. |
| The decision will be published as is. Each campus can make the decision individually. We should keep track of campuses that choose to go forward with the project and reasons of campuses who choose not to do it in a shared documentation. The documentation will be posted on the Confluence. |
4 | Work Plan and Ops Team Handoff | Review priorities in Handoff document | 25 mins |
| Hermine suggests we officially announce the implementation of the WorldCat updates and have a public documentation to describe the process of WorldCat updates, impacts, and what to do if there is an issue. Adam suggests that we should consider beginning including other formats beyond monographs. No analytics report for records being updated via the process at the moment. Folks can just search 908. 904 will be automatically added when NZ bib are merged. Possible timeline: end of April. Updated normalization/merge rules:
| We will share our observation on the result at the next meeting. | Look at the workplan between now and the next meeting
5 | Bound-withs | Check some assumptions around harmonization, find out what questions campuses have | 15 mins |
| Folks agree not to standardize Guidelines and pros/cons are made available and campuses are allowed to make the decision themselves A live session to answer any questions will be made available Timeline: May-early summer |
6 | Parking Lot | Capture important topics for future discussion |
7 |
| Total | /60 |
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