2023-03-16 Meeting notes

2023-03-16 Meeting notes

Mar 16, 2023 02:00-03:00 PM


  • @Adam Baron

  • @Marcia Barrett

  • @Catherine Busselen (notes)

  • @TJ Kao

  • @Yoko Kudo

  • @Cathleen Lu

  • @Latasha Means

  • @Elizabeth Miraglia , Chair

  • @Hermine Vermeij, Vice-chair

  • @Sarah Wallbank (Unlicensed)


  • @Shi Deng



Desired Outcome







Desired Outcome







Updates/announcements (Please add in advance)


10 mins



  • Thinking about trying to get funded for ELUNA--anyone else planning to go?

    • Those who have attended ELUNA find it very useful.

  • Planning an outsourcing project for African books original cataloging. They have order records in the IZ with no OCLC number. I think matching on MMS ID in the 001 should work for the import profile, then linking to NZ. Any other suggestions?

    • No other suggestions made for imports.

  • Attended a call with ExL developers (along with Liz, Gem, and others)--was interesting to hear the actual reasons behind recent issues.

    • One valuable hint, if we have open tickets and come across additional examples, keep posting them to the ticket as they show up.

Liz (UCSD)

  • Will be doing a lot of suppressing and unsuppressing of their catalog. Let Liz know if we encounter oddities that may come from this.

Adam (UCB)

  • Have moved item-specific notes to holdings; is wondering how to bring the data into exports.

    • Can select add holdings data in the publishing profile.

  • Have begun a project to merge and combine records where they have multiple IZs linked to the same NZ; doing it in batch; Adam will post their procedure

A UC-wide Slack is being setup; we can think about what channels we may want to be created for that






Brief level subgroup


15 mins


Proposed changes: brief level config

  • UCLA feedback:

    • I think for our campus that support for #1 is pretty clear. I struggle to see what the advantage is to putting all levels at the same level (#2)

    • I vote for Proposal #1. I don’t think a less than full record should overwrite a full record (blank or I). I would also move “1” (the numeral one) to a lower level. Level 1 was used in retrospective conversion projects where people input data from cards and did not view the actual items. I don’t think these should be allowed to overwrite blank or I records.

  • Some question about M level records still; these can be full or lower level records


Test proposal #1 and check back in a month

@Elizabeth Miraglia will see if she can get the Gobi contract for us to see exactly what we should be getting
@TJ Kao will update the Sandbox brief level rules
Everyone have folks do some testing in the Sandbox; @Elizabeth Miraglia will have a few WCU tested, as well

Gobi session update


10 mins


As luck would have it, Jharina Pascual at UCI (also current vice chair for ERES) has started up a UC Gobi group. She’ll be the main presenter for the session and then we’ll have some structured questions and a wider Q&A

Tentatively March 22, 9:30-11




950-999 fields not marked as local extensions


15 mins


Cleanup on 999s needs to happen quickly in NZ

Rest of the 950-998 will need to be done at some point

https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1uhc_4J_6eRj2D0PQXdDr0UK34ZbtF_MXojryyC-Cju8/edit?usp=sharing (From Phase 4 Data Cleanup; not up-to-date)

Campuses should have vendors add subfield 9 to any 950-999 fields

Normalization rule should remove any 950-999 not coded as local

@Catherine Busselen create ticket to have CDL cleanup all existing 999s in the NZ
@Catherine Busselen work with UCSB and Gobi to add subfield 9 to 999 (and any other 950-999 fields)

Work Plan Check-in


10 mins


Review https://uc-sils.atlassian.net/l/cp/eW1FdG7U





Parking Lot/additional discussion




  • Alma August release has five CZ “Managed by Community” collections where portfolios can be deleted by everyone

  • Interest in session answering questions on how campuses decide when or why to use CZ


Limited Search Functionality in Alma and Analytics

Sharing session idea - fun with the CZ? (Maybe in conjunction with e-res?)

Evaluate and refine WDU configuration















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Question? Contact AskSILS-L@ucop.edu