2023-07-06 Meeting notes

2023-07-06 Meeting notes



  • @Adam Baron

  • @Catherine Busselen (notes)

  • @Shi Deng

  • @Ryan Finnerty

  • @TJ Kao

  • @Cathleen Lu

  • @Latasha Means

  • @Elizabeth Miraglia , Past Chair

  • @Hermine Vermeij, Chair

  • @Sarah Wallbank (Unlicensed)


  • @Marcia Barrett

  • @Yoko Kudo



Desired Outcome







Desired Outcome







Updates/announcements (Please add in advance)


10 mins


Introductions, etc. Welcome to Ryan; farewell to Liz.

Vice Chair nomination


  • Nothing much; everyone’s on vacation!


  • Received our GreenGlass Serials data; remediation lists include the following

    • 42,414 titles

      • 107 records identified without OCLC numbers for which GG was not able to find a match

      • 206 identified as having OCLC number that does not match title and/or author

      • 342 without OCLC numbers that GG provided a matching OCLC number

      • 2704 records without holdings set in OCLC

    • I haven’t done any sampling to see how well the matching worked

  • We are now in the process of putting together our mono data for GreenGlass


  • follow up on massive dup MARCIVE records in NZ: in addition to my update in slack, Sherry provided additional update that ExL did get back to her: ExL is responsible to this mass update. Although currently managed by the community, until not too long ago it was managed by Ex Libris and had some open tasks appended to it. This update will be enriched during July so the records will be improved as much as we can using currently available MARC records. ExL has US Government Documents as a collection listed in their Q3 Content Roadmap Plans for Authority vocabulary and enrichment work to be done this quarter (from the ticket response, it sounds like in July). We may want to wait and see July’s improvement

  • PID server update: D2D does not plan to make any substantial user visible changes to the PID Service. Still trying to figure out best way to make some changes on the backend to keep it compatible with future versions of AWS. Gem will send notice to stakeholders and I will add to SCP Update --July.

  • CDL created many POLs attached bib records for electronic collection, so SCP works on figuring out new workflow to keep the same MMSID when updating bib record, it also means, if campus has the same OCLC record, it will be merged and combined into CDL bib record


  • Joined ExL linked data focus group; small set of libraries involved; will be testing Sinopia integration with Alma; will also be discussing Discovery


TJ Kao is our new Vice Chair!!! Thanks, TJ!



Review Team Charter


15 min


Team Charter

Recording started here

Added best practice to have notes updated within 24 hours, if possible.

Discussion about how to keep up with Action Items/Task List, as well as tracking what we have tested in the Sandbox

Can we link to general Governance Structure expectations to capture our responsiblities to our campuses, etc.?

@Hermine Vermeij will make sure that Latasha Means is given access to edit notes, etc.
@Hermine Vermeij will verify that UCLA Zoom recording expire after 30 days (or longer)
@Hermine Vermeij will review how to manage Action Items/Task List
Everyone: take another look at the Team Charge and be prepared to make final approval at our next meeting

Review Work Plan


15 mins


Review https://uc-sils.atlassian.net/l/cp/eW1FdG7U

Should we document syntax used for WorldCat Updates: Reports used by Berkeley and UCLA?

Update/Revise 856 Field Decisions: may need to review in light of update indicators

Expand access to NZ: Added to our Work Plan with due date of Dec 31, 2023; gather use cases, bring to All Chair and Ops; collaborate with renegotiation team



Future meetings


10 mins


Should we keep this time/frequency/length?

This time/frequency/length works for everyone

@Hermine Vermeij create calendar invitations for this year’s meetings

Parking Lot/additional discussion


10 mins


Review items in this list; move to workplan?

  • Alma August release has five CZ “Managed by Community” collections where portfolios can be deleted by everyone

  • Interest in session answering questions on how campuses decide when or why to use CZ


Limited Search Functionality in Alma and Analytics

Sharing session idea - fun with the CZ? (Maybe in conjunction with e-res?)

Evaluate and refine WDU configuration

NZ records lacking OCLC numbers

Need to review norm and merge rules to make sure local 9xx fields are removed and not allowed into the NZ















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