2023-09-28 Meeting notes


  • @Adam Baron

  • @Marcia Barrett

  • @Catherine Busselen

  • @Shi Deng

  • @Ryan Finnerty

  • @TJ Kao , Vice Chair

  • @Yoko Kudo

  • @Cathleen Lu

  • @Latasha Means (notes)

  • @Hermine Vermeij, Chair

  • @Sarah Wallbank (Unlicensed)


Desired Outcome







Desired Outcome







Updates/announcements (Please add in advance)


10 mins


Start recording!

Hermine (UCLA)

Adam (UCB)

  • Almost all documentation has been moved to a public website

  • Exploring host bibliographic records (220,000). Many/most of these are from analyzed sets, and the plan is to unanalyze these.

Ryan (UCSD)


@Everyone - share feedback on Berkeley documentation with Adam

Review action items


5 mins



Kanopy Records

From the July 2023 CDL Update:

New collection on Kanopy: All campuses have access to the Kanopy Base subscription package of approximately 10k streaming videos, starting July 1, 2023. Due to the complications around each campus having a different Kanopy URL, CDL will not be managing title level cataloging in the Network Zone. CDL will provide a platform level record for Kanopy with an access link to each campus’s Kanopy homepage (there is no landing page specific to the “Base” subscription collection, titles are mixed into your campus Kanopy account access). For campuses wishing to add title level records to their IZ, Lisa Wong at UCSC has worked on an initial set of records, and she is willing to share these records (MARC download options are also available in your campus Kanopy admin accounts). Local edits will need to be made for your campus URLs or other changes individual campuses may want. Kanopy has said it would be rare for titles to leave the platform, and they may add titles quarterly to this subscription package. To receive notifications about title changes, you can sign up to the OverDrive email list.

CDL Kanopy Campus Platform List




Expanded NZ Access Proposal


20 mins



  • Any use cases to add?

  • General broad support from All-Chairs.

  • There is a SILS process for requesting NZ access, but it hasn’t been used with any frequency. It’s intended for temporary NZ access.

  • Additional item: View Configuration

  • We’ll flesh out and clean up this document after other groups have added their use cases

  • The critical needed use case is Adding e-inventory to the NZ (OA ER)

  • There is not a lot of configuration to NZ Discovery


@Marcia Barrett Add information to the Creating & Filtering Sets NZ Wish List
@Hermine Vermeij Share the Draft Use Case List with the EResources group and the OA Project Team.
@Hermine Vermeij Ask All Chairs if there are any other groups that want to be involved?



Local Notes in NZ


15 mins


(physical items) and (E-Resources)

  • Many/most 590 notes for ER are vendor notes.

  • Some local notes have more than one holding campus

  • A lot of the 590 notes in physical records are table of contents (from a batch job?)

  • Next steps?

We won’t clean up 590 notes for electronic resources, due to most of these are from vendors

@Everyone review records with local notes for your campus for physical items only and remove 590 note or change the tag to a local extension in IZ and NZ record. Update the spreadsheet (column A) for records that have been resolved.

Additional discussion


10 mins





Parking Lot




  • Authority control












The SILS mission is to transform library services and operations through innovation and collaboration. The future is shared!
Question? Contact AskSILS-L@ucop.edu