2021-02-02 Meeting notes

2021-02-02 Meeting notes

Feb 2, 2021 03:10-04:30 PM

Zoom: contact chair for link and password


  • @Belinda Egan (Unlicensed)

  • @Cathleen Lu

  • @Hermine Vermeij

  • @Jean Dickinson (Unlicensed)

  • @Latasha Means

  • @Martha McTear (Unlicensed)

  • @Sarah Wallbank (Unlicensed) (co-chair) (notes)

  • @Shi Deng

  • @TJ Kao

  • @Yoko Kudo

  • @Elizabeth Miraglia (chair)

Not attending




Discussion items


Desired Outcome





Local group takeaways





Desired Outcome





Local group takeaways





Updates (please add in advance)


10 mins




Carried over from 1/26:

Working Group presentation was a success, they were very impressed with what we’ve done so far!


  • Local discussions about the future of our local series authority records and treatment tracking. Some questions for pondering:

    • Should we continue to allow for multiple treatment decisions across different locations on campus? (And, should we continue having boutique series treatment at all??)

    • Should we start adding our local treatment decisions in $5 in WorldCat?

    • Will UCLA continue to be responsible for data integrity of SRLF bibs?

  • Hermine passed Alma certification, yay!

  • We’re thinking about making shared dummy logins for test load (similar to the sandbox logins), rather than managing individual accounts, which was a lot of work during vanguard).




Working Group meeting: there will be messaging to stress the priority of SILS work for cohort members

Congratulations to Hermine for passing certification training!

There is interest in how UCLA’s use of dummy logins for test load goes.

The RLF Configuration Task Force met. Looking at charge - focused on specific scenarios about how RLF will exist in SILS. Includes how to manage local RLF records and who will manage records in NZ

The RLFs are being discussed in a number of groups. There is testing being coordinated between RMFG, RLF Group, Fulfilllment FG, (and others?)

PPC will release its consolidated MVP (minimal viable product) soon should be by end of next week

RMFG is the only group with multiple use cases for NZ work. We will be testing these use cases as well as testing processes for how these decisions get made

There are discussions ongoing about training needs for the project






UC-led import profile session


10 mins


AEFG and RMFG will be hosting a session on import profiles, hopefully late February. It would be helpful to have 2 presenters who can demo/answer questions from a metadata perspective. AEFG will provide panelists for their use cases as well. Any takers, either RMFG reps or people at your campuses?


Anyone in RMFG interested in participating?

Tentatively scheduled for late February

All: Let Liz know if you, or someone on your campus, is interested

  • Shi




Test load testing

Start drafting some areas for system-wide testing

20 mins


Which decisions pages need to be thoroughly revisited during test load?

Review collaborative workflow testing, any gaps? https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1MMjTHhpE-o0KAXBiQxkEk2V6xcCtvLgk3vZBzDdYzKY/edit#gid=0

IC/PPC policies and procedures page:

(Test Load) Testing Policies and Procedures


Decision pages to revisit

Non-OCLC: done

856: revisit

  • Finding aids - decision is now AEFG since it is an e-resource decision. We can give input.

  • Local 856s: does RMFG still need to decide on these issues?

bib records to leave out of NZ: revisit in part

  • on order records, DDA, & special collection records still being tested

Non-local 9xx: revisit

  • just to make sure no unexpected problems

9xx local fields: revisit

OCLC updates: revisit

Local authorities: revisit

  • this was a bit experimental, so revisit to see how it works. May want examples of what we mean by “reference treatment”

Collaborative workflows

Clarification of terms and several additions

questions about how closely we all need to collaborate on OCLC holdings setting

Communication between campuses on NZ linked work

CDI - when to use CDI and how to manage & control

handling an on-order bib record when one campus has ordered and another campus attaches to it before it is received by initial campus

  • Make sure your campus is aware: Testing Decision page:

There is an IC testing decision page for the Test-Load.

(Test Load) Testing Policies and Procedures

N.B. there will be an initial moratorium on work while campuses review their data

Liz: will let AEFG know that some campuses are actively interested in pursuing UCI’s approach to finding aids (which creates portfolios)


Liz: will create a more consolidated testing doc for us to track.

All: think about collaborative workflows for another week. Next week we will solidify the list




NZ roles

Review and prep to send this to PPC and CDL




Reviewed for clarity


New information: you cannot do batch edits to NZ records within Alma, only edits to local fields. To edit NZ bib records themselves, you must export them, edit, and then reload to NZ. Question for clarification has been submitted to ExL


All: let Liz know by Thursday afternoon, 2/4 if it is OK to take this to PPC on Friday 2/5




Training documentation round up


20 mins


Internal Training has asked the FGs to send along any training documentation that we have, particularly with relation to workflows that can/should be standardized and ones that impact the NZ.

Review the inventory document here: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1w1Nu_jjw_VGS1aVaAAli9URUeR965SicY1hWEr2vVQc/edit#gid=1723180429 for gaps and we can start consolidating duplicate instructions


SCP sometimes has multiple links (one for supplemental material), but CZ only has one link. What do we want to do about the accompanying material access?

All: Over next week, fill out columns - what needs further explanation, what needs a policy decision?

Look for duplicates








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