2021-05-18 Meeting notes

2021-05-18 Meeting notes

May 18, 2021 03:10-04:30 PM

Zoom: contact chair for link and password


  • @Belinda Egan (Unlicensed)

  • @Cathleen Lu

  • @Hermine Vermeij (notes)

  • @Jean Dickinson (Unlicensed)

  • @Latasha Means

  • @Martha McTear (Unlicensed)

  • @Sarah Wallbank (Unlicensed) (co-chair)

  • @Shi Deng

  • @TJ Kao

  • @Yoko Kudo

  • @Elizabeth Miraglia (chair)

Not attending





Discussion items


Desired Outcome





Local group takeaways



Desired Outcome





Local group takeaways



Updates (please add in advance)


10 mins



  • PPC: need to set a date where things are “mostly decided” so that campuses can start their own training. Right now most of our major decisions should be done by June 8 (with the knowledge that things will still develop over time)

  • UCSD set local training dates: June 14-25 (plus continued testing/review in sandboxes afterwards)

    • Same here! --HV


  • Finalizing migration specs this week. A few highlights that are different from test load:

    • Deleting all 019s

    • Deleting all 035s without prefixes

    • Mapping 936 to local field

  • Reported MDE instability (rules not saving) via Salesforce ticket

  • WorldCat updates for monos done! Now moving on to some non-print formats (scores, sound recordings, videos, maps)

  • Tentative local decision to run a nightly job that links all records with OCLC numbers to NZ, primarily to avoid adding a significant amount of work to our acquisitions staff. Will need to monitor fallout after go-live.


We are reviewing our IZ norm processes to see if we can get the issues out of the way. If we can, we might consider using NZ gateway instead of IZ gateway.



June 8 - done with vast majority of deliverables that have an impact on campus training.



Expect decisions and best practices by June 8.

SILS Confluence is a good resource.



@Elizabeth Miraglia will share her UCSD training materials on the Google Drive; other RMFG members can copy and reuse if desired.


Best practices for OCLC Gateway doc




Finalize Draft

  • Consider adding troubleshooting document




Please resolve your comments in the doc.

@Elizabeth Miraglia will start troubleshooting doc.


RMFG-MVP-017 Best practices for MARCEdit-Alma integration




Consent agenda: if not comments are received by 5pm on 5/17 this is considered approved





AEFG Gobi profiles




Review/discuss possible Gobi workflows; discuss brief Gobi orders in the NZ

AEFG page: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1tIPj-98Un-KcSZSPmtkTsZMk01pw-mOsERY1YMKP9gg/edit#heading=h.28si6n2f8srb

From email:

  • Gobi orders are ok to add to the NZ since those *should* have a better bib coming with OCLC number coming and matched on PO line only. Whatever campus receives that Gobi record/item first should make changes

Also final RMFG comments/recommendations for other vendor records in the NZ

  • Non-Gobi orders should be evaluated before being added to the NZ and problem vendors should be IZ-only if there are any doubts, especially for vendors that mis-use OCLC records/numbers

Ultimately, records in the NZ should either have an OCLC number or have one coming in the near future

NZ records should also be cat language=English if they have OCLC numbers

Need for a review process for “on order” bibs that languish in the NZ--is this something campuses can tackle on their own at least at first (i.e. find your “sent” orders and clean them up?

Added a few questions to the doc.

We will do some additional testing of the merge rule tomorrow in Study Hall.


Please look at RMFG merge rule #1 and make any comments by noon on Thursday, May 20.

Then @Elizabeth Miraglia will copy it to be “allUC Import Profile Merge Rule #1” and alert everyone to update their import profiles accordingly.


RMFG import profile best practices





What are people’s thoughts on 1 generic template "and then comments on how campuses can change/adjust?

Will finalize next week.







The SILS mission is to transform library services and operations through innovation and collaboration. The future is shared!

Question? Contact AskSILS-L@ucop.edu