2021-09-28 Meeting notes
Sep 28, 2021 03:10-04:30 PM
Zoom: contact chair for link and password
@Cathleen Lu
@Hermine Vermeij
@Jean Dickinson (Unlicensed)
@Belinda Egan (Unlicensed) (notes)
@Martha McTear (Unlicensed)
@Latasha Means
@Sarah Wallbank (Unlicensed) (co-chair)
@Shi Deng
@TJ Kao
@Yoko Kudo
@Elizabeth Miraglia (chair)
Not attending
Discussion items
Item | Desired Outcome | Time | Who | Notes | Decisions | Local group takeaways | Actions |
| |
1 | Updates (please add in advance) |
| 10 mins |
| UCB: 1.Almost done with second draft of our interim Marking Recs for Deletion doc. 2. Finalizing discussion on procedure for coding non-LC class schemes. 3. Testing in Sandbox - adding a 520 field with “Exclude from discovery network” (since ExL says it can’t let us use 899, as RMFG had decided on). Liz:
Hermine (UCLA)
For Shi’s last point, campuses that haven’t responded, please respond to the question about preferences for the authentication note in CDL records. |
2 | Merge rules |
| 035s: are the OCLC numbers with “on” an issue? [This doesn’t seem to be an issue.] Can we remove “CKB” 035s during merges/overlays? 506s: the current conditions we have in place for the 506 aren’t allowing for an OA 506 to be added if another has $2 star. Can we just update the text to check for the OA 506 notes instead? 040: the External Search merge rule doesn’t replace the 040 in the record with the new one from OCLC, any advice on how to tweak it? |
TJ is going to look into whether the merge rules/import profiles can be modified to add additional 506 fields, if they don’t duplicate the one(s) already in the record.
TJ will look at changing this. It should be possible to tweak the rule. |
3 | 856 42s |
| There was some consensus around allowing them for Finding Aids. For other related resources: does anyone add them AND do active URL maintenance? [No one seems to be doing active maintenance, which could be a problem for some records.] Should resources that aren’t Finding Aids be portfolios instead? | We need to look at this more. |
4 | Bound-withs |
| So far it does look like we have success with ensuring that records that have the right 910 field aren’t deleted. What is a good deadline for getting the notes added in production? |
| The campuses should come up with estimates for when the sets of bound-withs will be generated, so that we can think about starting the WorldCat update service. |
5 | Brief levels |
| Has anyone been able to test/run into issues with the sandbox changes to encoding level M? Should we go ahead and adjust production? | Yoko tried this, and it worked. Yes, we should adjust production. |
| Liz? will ask for this to be done. |
6 | Next meeting (10/12) |
| MVP check-in WorldCat updates
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