2021-11-09 Meeting notes

2021-11-09 Meeting notes

Nov 9, 2021 03:10-04:30 PM

Zoom: contact chair for link and password


  • @Cathleen Lu

  • @Hermine Vermeij

  • @Jean Dickinson (Unlicensed)

  • @Belinda Egan (Unlicensed)

  • @Martha McTear (Unlicensed)

  • @Latasha Means

  • @Sarah Wallbank (Unlicensed) (co-chair) (notes)

  • @Shi Deng

  • @TJ Kao

  • @Yoko Kudo

  • @Elizabeth Miraglia (chair)

Not attending


Discussion items


Desired Outcome





Local group takeaways





Desired Outcome





Local group takeaways





Updates (please add in advance)


10 mins



  • ETD update

  • UCSD is working on semi-automated cat stats, right now we have an Analytics report set up and a script that will grab the stats notes for a given month. We should be able to also automate the report formatting soon-ish

  • We are switching to a very CZ-heavy approach to Music and Media e-resources. Basically, if any CZ access exists at all, we’re going to use that and not do additional description for the time being


  • Berkeley RMFG has 1000 or so UCLA faux-OCLC merge records that need restoration, need to be cleaned up manually, and also still have to coordinate with ILSDC about the problem. 

  • We won’t be updating both 856s AND 956s, but we’ll still keep 956, even if it’s inaccurate. We’ll test this in Sandbox though.

  • A member of Berkeley RMFG created a good Millennium-to-Alma mapping document.

  • Jean is trying to write a basic MVM cat’ing workflow (it’s slow going unfortunately because of all the wrinkles I need to think of, but I want to get it out as soon as I can for cat’ers champing at the bit). (Maybe if I make it an “interim” kind of workflow that’ll be simpler.)

UCLA (Hermine):

  • We still haven’t come up with an acceptable way to retrieve our cataloging statistics (using a complicated 9XX field). We may end up asking for a special database; or, rethink how we record them entirely.

  • Feedback on the preferred term correction report so far: we’ve been looking at just one day’s worth. In most cases, the updated headings have already been updated in WorldCat, so if we had WC updates in place, they would be getting fixed automatically. Initial impression is that this report would not be worth the time it takes to compile and work through it.



ETD processes still being worked out. If need to work with them, can use existing process or use the fields RMFG decided on and develop a local process for now

UCLA: loads them directly into OCLC and export to Alma










































Bound-withs/related records


10 mins


Reminder to please have any sets saved to the NZ by Friday, 11/12.

(Berkeley: Bound-withs: We have two kinds -- 1. true Bound-withs, 2. Analytics (that’s why it would be better if we can remember to think of these as “related records”).  Anyway, we need to put 910s in the Host bib recs… There will be many dups.)



Send requests to run the boundwith job to sils-sysops@cdlib.org




HathiTrust Shared Print


15 mins


Do any campuses need to re-start this before January 2022?

If so, what information do you need?







Transition documents


25 mins


What to archive and what to discard from our current Google drive?

Current “transition folder”: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/16Aabb3CAoiZqDHoncPFQJJlc_POquyC3

Work Handoff (to be completed by Liz and Sarah): https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1klqL-uo-2pGjUf2_2o3kdB4GFuq2OHpYZx792dRgTCc/edit#gid=100841588



Moving things to this drive that do not have a decision page.

Assorted information that may be useful to next group

include our RMFG MVP into this folder

include shared rules in folder

Campus training docs - will it be relevant or was it just useful for the transition period?

Campus policies & procedures documents - useful going forward?

Confluence will still be available, but some material from Google folders will not continue to be available


  1. Review documents in RMFG folder.

  2. Move anything that you feel is important to save.

  3. We will have one more meeting to discuss this.




Next meeting (11/30) Questions/Concerns




Review transition documents

WorldCat Updates

(Berkeley IC Lynne Grigsby will talk (maybe has already conferred) with Liz about deadline. Lynne G. will try to organize timing and a workplan for us [Berkeley].)





Worldcat updates: start these in production after Thanksgiving.


  • Alert your campus that is our plan. Get any feedback

  • Start with a non-serial profile


Authority reports:

  • Suggestion to pursue the bib linking report, multiple matches found & no matches found. In testing, these were useful.

  • Suggestion to stop running the preferred term correction report. Does not seem very useful

  • Action: Let CDL know what authority reports to run

Shelf-ready profiles

  • UCD has main and medical profile. Medical profile (for NLM and MeSH) is not getting anything. UCLA is having similar problems

Loading procedures for brief order records


  • can we bring them into NZ? needed to populate call number in holdings record. RMFG OKed to load into NZ to do this. Anyoone else can delete it later.


Linking job:

  • Running linking job to avoid CZ/NZ record multi-matches. Campuses inherit NZ settings. Cannot avoid CZ records, so can have multi-matches to deal with after the linking job is run








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