2021-11-30 Meeting notes

2021-11-30 Meeting notes

Nov 30, 2021 03:10-04:30 PM

Zoom: contact chair for link and password


  • @Cathleen Lu

  • @Hermine Vermeij

  • @Jean Dickinson (Unlicensed)

  • @Belinda Egan (Unlicensed)

  • @Martha McTear (Unlicensed)

  • @Latasha Means

  • @Sarah Wallbank (Unlicensed) (co-chair)

  • @Shi Deng (notes)

  • @TJ Kao

  • @Yoko Kudo

  • @Elizabeth Miraglia (chair)

Not attending


Discussion items


Desired Outcome





Local group takeaways





Desired Outcome





Local group takeaways





Updates (please add in advance)


10 mins



  • We accidentally added some 590 notes to the NZ copy of records vs. our IZ one. Working with CDL to get them removed, sorry about that!

  • We’re attempting our first temporary/trial access package in Alma. We aren’t going to use the actual “trial” features but are going to try to use the available from dates in a local collection. Any advice/warnings are welcome.

Hermine (UCLA)

  • Still agonizing over some bound-with decisions. Should we add 014s in holdings records? Should we stick with host bibliographic records?

  • Tried turning on mediated PTC in our IZ. One weird thing: since linking job is running but PTC isn’t, headings get linked to different authority records (often via 4XX) but don’t display that way.


  1. Discussed what to do about - Bib in the Community Zone with the OCLC number for the print rather than the e-version.

2. Acq SILS project planned for Post Go-live -- Need to do a data clean-up of serial portfolios that were migrated from Millennium bibs and do relinking of POLs to the e-collection portfolio. The migrated portfolios can create false positive "access available" results in Discovery. There are at least 8,000 of these to address.

3. Talked through a draft of “Copy-specific information in Alma.” The Special Colls CKG discussed this too.

Long-ish excerpt: “Recording copy-specific information is always OPTIONAL. The need for copy-specific notes, and the level of detail contained in them, must be determined by the owning library’s policies, selector, curator, etc. Recording copy-specific details is particularly important in special collections and rare materials cataloging (represented primarily by the Bancroft Library), but certain types of copy-specific information—including condition notes, limited edition details, restriction information, and provenance or source of acquisition—are routinely added to catalog records by a wide variety of catalogers. In a shared catalog, it is highly desirable that copy-specific notes containing similar types of information be formulated in a similar and consistent way across all locations. It is also important that copy-specific information be clearly identified so that the user can easily determine to which copy the information pertains.

Caveat: Procedures for Bound-withs are still under development. This document does not currently address bound-withs….. “








WorldCat Updates

Review collection and profile criteria

Revise decision page

20 mins





  • Add 903 field to protect from overlay: If a campus know a group records to be protected from overlay, mainly non-local data, need to create a set in NZ to have CDL run a job to add 903 field to protect the record, the action can happen anytime, before Dec. 7 for known records and/or after Dec. 7 if you notice changes that you would like to prevent

  • Review and confirm OCLC symbol to be included for both non-serial and serials OCLC symbol list: please check and make sure your OCLC symbols are on the list, if not, let Liz know ASAP before WorldCat update starts. The profile needs to be set correctly at the beginning, if changes happen after starting, the profile has to be deleted and recreated.

  • Start with non-serials and add 908 for records updated and indication of reason for change. Update cover records changed since Jan. 2021

  • See Decision page for detailed instruction and bring to campus to review and final input on rules, 655_4, etc..




Authority records

Review new reports from CDL

15 mins


Comments on this report:



  • Review the report linked which just one day report of non-matched headings that didn’t include CZ records

  • Any input/feedback from campuses? not yet

  • In Alma task list, the report can be filtered by MARC fields





Final transition documents




Handoff document

Please add comments before EOD on Thursday, December 2.



  • Final comments/edits due by the end of Thursday




Next meeting (12/14) Questions/Concerns




12/14 will be our last meeting for Phase 4!


  • Question on how UCSD contributed records to CZ: it was because if you edit a CZ bib, it will be showing as record contributed by your institution

  • Problem with multiple IZ record link to one NZ bib, primo will only show one. It’s better to unlink and merge them before relink to resolve the issue








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