Resource Sharing Home
Group Purpose
The Intercampus Resource Sharing Operations Subteam will seek a coordinated, systemwide approach to systemwide discovery, as appropriate and in alignment with the SILS principles. The subteam will consider and address areas of overlap and shared policy/practice concerns across fulfillment and intercampus resource sharing. The subteam will develop and maintain UC-wide policies, practices and applicable workflows to create consistency and efficiency at the local and systemwide levels.
Group Membership
Kristen Van Vliet, UC Berkeley (chair)
Jason Newborn, UC Davis
Linda Michelle Weinberger, UC Irvine
Alicia Amador, UC Los Angeles
Demitra Borrero, UC Merced
Sabrina Simmons, UC Riverside
Judea D’Arnaud, UC San Diego
Ryan White, UC San Francisco
Helena Gagnon, UC Santa Barbara
Dawson Kelly, UC Santa Cruz (vice chair)
Alison Ray , California Digital Library
Wednesdays (except third Wednesdays), 10:00-10:50am
How to contact RS OST
email: SILS-RS-L [at]
For cohort members:
confluence team: RS OST
slack channel: #rs
The SILS mission is to transform library services and operations through innovation and collaboration. The future is shared!
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