2023-04-05 RS OST meeting notes

2023-04-05 RS OST meeting notes


  • @Patrick SHANNON (Unlicensed) , UC Berkeley

  • @Jason Newborn , UC Davis (vice chair)

  • @Amador, Alicia , UC Los Angeles

  • @Demitra Borrero (Demitra Borrero), UC Merced;

  • @Mallory DeBartolo (Unlicensed) , UC Santa Cruz, note taker;

  • @Peter Devine , UC San Diego

  • @Ryan White , UC San Francisco

  • @Alison Ray (CDL) , California Digital Library (chair)

  • @Linda Michelle Weinberger , UC Irvine

  • regrets: @Sabrina Simmons , UC Riverside, @Scott Hathaway , UC Santa Barbara


Desired Outcome







Desired Outcome







record meeting

make sure Alison records meeting





case 06474638 - LA and Berkeley getting added to rotas after the RLFs even when they don’t have holdings

Make sure everyone knows what they need to do ongoing to address this. → need to find these stale requests in ‘request sent to partner’ queue & push to next lender; could be done in Alma queues & filter; could use Analytics…





When Berkeley and LA are added to the rota the request sits there but never shows up on their pick from shelf list so the borrower must actively cancel them from the rota. These should be caught in any activity your library does to move stale requests along (analytics reports or filtering borrowing requests using the facets)

ExL says they will not be correcting this behavior.

sit in ‘request sent to partner’ until acted upon;


Jason interested in meeting with anyone who’d like to work on an Analytic report to more specifically target these requests (rather than a report that catches any request that’s been sitting for 2+ weeks)



UC and CSU Resource Sharing Partnership (placed on work plan in February)

Should we do this as an RS OST project or separately? → useful for information sharing & how of technical aspect

Is there any bandwidth to do this? → no bandwidth (at least from those present); likely would be dependent on the internal UC-UC P2P project

Should RS OST chair reach out to CSU about UC’s availability?



CSU reached out to RS OST steering committee in January (SC placed on work plan); CSU has started reaching out to individual UCs

Different levels & agreements of ILL-ing with CSUs; Participation in CSU partnership may not be all 10 UCs

CSUs use P2P (no AFN) & Rapido (which is a parallel/competing product to WSILL)


@Alison Ray (CDL) to reply to CSU proposal & RS-OST-L (does not preclude any UC from talking with Chris Lee directly); draft to RS-OST Apr 6, 2023









Wrap up

Review actions and decisions







Bike Rack

Capture important topics for future discussion



‘pick up anywhere exceptions’: review shared messages, what would be next steps
metrics on how often ‘pick up anywhere’ requests have to be changed to home campus (Jason) → may lead to: editing pu loc for this requests → may lead to: harmonizing bookbands

is the “randomized” part of the rota building actually randomizing things? Jason has a hunch that within the geographical groups it’s creating them alphabetically. (discovered in reviewing schedule c report)

NRLF/SRLF rejected stuck at B/LA follow up: SH’s ‘guide’; test with what B/LA see; more escalation with ExL (scott, Mallory, Jason, patrick)

ExL’s solicitation to “contribute to the Resource Sharing Directory”. Kind of a huge thing that we should think about? (Mallory) → maybe after P2P investigation…












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