2023-08-09 RS OST meeting notes
@Kristen Van Vliet , UC Berkeley
@Jason Newborn , UC Davis (chair)
@Amador, Alicia , UC Los Angeles
@Demitra Borrero , UC Merced
[] , UC Santa Barbara
@Dawson Kelly (UCSC) , UC Santa Cruz
@Judea D'Arnaud , UC San Diego
@Ryan White , UC San Francisco
@Alison Ray (CDL) , California Digital Library (chair)
regrets: @Sabrina Simmons , UC Riverside; @Linda Michelle Weinberger , UC Irvine ;
Zoom URL: https://ucdavis.zoom.us/j/97976196284?pwd=K3MrREN2NUlGZmhEaGpBMzRRWFJmQT09
Item | Desired Outcome | Time | Who | Notes | Decisions | Actions | |
1 | record meeting | make sure Jason records meeting | 1 | Jason |
| ||
2 | Call for Vice Chair volunteers or nominees | Raise temperature for vice chair search. | 5 | Jason | turning up heat… | defer until more members; JCN to bring up that members don’t feel secure in seat & therefor can’t commit to vice chair (and chair afterwards) JCN to mention that member transitions now go through DOC rep (eg UCSB) |
3 | What needs to happen for Analytics – Immediate Schedule C needs – Long term
| Get on course to have Schedule C numbers prepared for the yearly call from CDL and local admins.
Decide if we want to pursue dev on better numbers. | 20 | Jason | JDD: updating RS Analytics PT, 2022 Schedule C Alma portion : will report back on additional templates used at UCSD- question if more templates & what may need to be updated in shared templates KVV to make ticket for AMR to investigate discrepancies in reports from paper numbers | defer anonymization disappearance after 2023 ucop stats delivered | @Alison Ray (CDL) recreate digital lending report & upload for review with RS OST Aug 14, 2023 create new folder for Schedule C templates 2023 & update FY 23 filter |
4 | Consider tactics for addressing Ex Libris for Consortial block next steps. Tickets, Dev recommendations etc. |
| 15 | Jason | Known avenues for ExL comm: SB at support, NERS, Idea Exchange, in UC Caitlin & Jackie; detailing needs & whys & whats |
| Jason to craft query to ExL |
5 |
6 | Wrap up | Review actions and decisions | 5 |
7 | Bike Rack | Capture important topics for future discussion
| items being kicked out to WorldshareILL at end of ROTA even though we have those items in our catalog (Demitra) [RS OST SC notes 5/1/23: hold for consideration post Tipasa implementation]: ‘pick up anywhere exceptions’: review shared messages, what would be next steps |
8 |
| Total | x/x |
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