2024-11-13 RS OST meeting notes
@Kristen Van Vliet , UC Berkeley (chair)
@Jason Newborn , UC Davis
@Linda Michelle Weinberger , UC Irvine
@Aylin Medrano, UC Los Angeles
@Demitra Borrero , UC Merced
@Sabrina Simmons , UC Riverside
@Ryan White , UC San Francisco
@Helena Gagnon , UC Santa Barbara
@Dawson Kelly (UCSC) , UC Santa Cruz (vice chair)
@Alison Ray (CDL) , California Digital Library
@Judea D'Arnaud , UC San Diego
regrets: @Amador, Alicia , UC Los Angeles
Zoom URL: https://berkeley.zoom.us/j/99437694899?pwd=9nX1Pd82i2VWzoHcIjPs3mPf2nreSn.1
Topic / Desired Outcome | Time | Who | Notes | Decisions | Actions | |
1 | make sure Kristen records meeting / any announcements? | 1 | Kristen | Any announcements? FY24 stats due 12/6 - Primo changes have fixed discrepancies at UCB & UCR
2 | P2P Testing Continued | 25 | Kristen | Any comments/questions/new findings? https://docs.google.com/document/d/1lGlAuVl8FWPtgfCxXJj51CZ3we-XbcrGvt84ixj-XEc/edit?tab=t.0#heading=h.m93shfbpqkmu have been updated with SB’s recs testing through November; wrap up discussion (what to report out to stakeholders) on Dec 4, 2024 Send testing comments updates to RS OST list! |
3 | Tipasa Updates? | 5 | Alison | Are there any updates/things for team members to do currently? - nothing to do at the moment SILS LG has approved, update has been sent to DOC Caia integration has been added to implementation plan Tentative Dec 11 2024 to finalize implementation plan with OCLC |
4 | Hold shelf pickup rate report | 10 | Dawson | DK to demo report that counts pickup rate of VDX material DK will put copy in shared Analytics folder Is pick up timeline harmonization working? Consider changing timeline? Consider un-harmonizing? Difficulty in having different pu timeline between AFN & local holds; coordinate with FOST |
5 | Wrap up & action points | 5 |
| Keep p2p testing - report to rs ost list amr to check with oclc about dec 11 meeting dec 4 - p2p wrap up (guest spots as necessary) dk to put magic report in shared folder in analytics ill ckg next week - no rs ost meeting 11/20/24 |
6 | Active Project Updates / Next steps and discussion times | 5 | Kristen | Non-Alma billing group working with Fulfillment OST. UCR, UCB, UCSC, mbe UCM. First meeting Nov 4th. list of AFN reports - TBD/subgroup working Tentative Dec 11 2024; Tipasa - OCLC guest spot to discuss Draft_UC_Tipasa_Implementation_Plan_September2024-1 schedule c reports - reminder check Sept for June 2024 fallout requests P2P project - testing in sandbox RLF lib use only / bookband pilot - January 2025 ish |
7 | (bike rack) Capture important topics for future discussion
| Do we want to keep physical P2P requesting turned on? |
8 | Total | x/x |
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