2020-04-29 SGTF agenda and notes

2020-04-29 SGTF agenda and notes

Meeting information

Apr 29, 2020 (3:00 - 4:30 pm)

Zoom: please see Outlook invite.

Recording of the meeting: https://ucop.zoom.us/rec/share/1eNzK7TU1kVOS5XDzxjCQbICRJTiT6a823Ub8vcKmRy89PuDi39dbjnb3E_oT_WT (please note: this Zoom-hosted recording will be available for 120 days, until Aug. 27 , after which it will be automatically deleted by Zoom)


  • Ginny Steel, (co-chair) 

  • Aislinn Sotelo, (co-chair) 

  • Donald Barclay

  • Susan Boone

  • Kevin Comerford

  • Alan Grosenheider

  • Sarah Houghton

  • Cathy Martyniak

  • Felicia Poe

  • Sarah Troy 

  • Danielle Westbrook


  • Christine Barone (SILS project co-manager)

  • Lena Zentall (SILS project co-manager)


  • Salwa Ismail

  • Alison Regan

  • Peter Brantley

Agenda and discussion notes


Desired Outcome







Desired Outcome








Welcome new task force member, Alan Grosenheider (UCSB)

Brief walk-through of the SGTF space in Confluence


Ginny, Aislinn, Danielle

The SILS project wiki is currently a closed Confluence workspace and available only to SILS group members. Likely by summer, read-only access to most of the project wiki, including the SGTF space, will be made public, available to all at the UC Libraries and more broadly.


Phase 4 pre-mortem

2-A. SGTF pre-mortem (55 mins)

  • See pre-mortem summary and pre-read

  • Consider: What failed about the structure itself (to inform how it might be modified mid-phase)? How did we fail to gain buy-in/trust for the structure? And finally, what failed in the ongoing governance structure?

2-B. Overview of pre-mortem findings for phase 4 (15 mins)

  • Lena and Christine will provide SGTF with an overview of pre-mortem findings pertinent to the work of the SGTF.


Christine, Lena

SGTF pre-mortem exercise (discussion notes tracked here).

Lena and Christine’s summary of the risks raised during the cohort-wide pre-mortems (specifically those applicable to the work of SGTF).

@Aislinn Sotelo , @Alan Grosenheider (Unlicensed) and @Danielle Westbrook will work with @Lena Zentall (Unlicensed) and @Christine Barone (Unlicensed) on mitigation strategies for high/high risks (to be completed/shared in advance of the next SGTF meeting).

Review/discuss phase 4 SGTF charge and next steps

Phase 4 charge deliverables:

  • Assess the phase 4 shared governance model and the mechanism(s) for carrying-out harmonization and establishing SILS-related policies and best practices (to include mid-phase assessment);

  • Analyze and recommend how the SILS shared governance will transition from being project-based to operational, and how it fits into UCLAS;

  • Determine whether the SILS shared governance principles need to be revised (and recommend changes, if needed);

  • Recommend additional work, either to be charged to this task force or to a new group.

The SGTF will develop a work plan for carrying out part 2 of its charge; this work plan will be delivered to the SILS Working Group for feedback and endorsement.

For discussion and consideration:

  • What are the core elements of the SGTF work plan for phase 4?

  • What timeline should be established for SGTF’s work?


Ginny, Aislinn

Additional P4 deliverable: helping to address revisions to the current phase’s share gov. structure; are there remediation strategies that should be recommended for implementation now?

  • Agreement: SGTF will use the pre-mortem to begin shaping phase 4 work and assessment; feedback is essential to determining how to refine the charges and recommend improvements (now and post-go-live).

  • To consider: how might the Vanguard work impact shared governance planning and assessment?

Projected activities:

  • Pre-mortem mitigation, potential changes to the current structure (to recommend to SILS-WG)

  • Consultation with Vanguard (initial assessment)

  • Post Vanguard assessment (the phase needs to unfold before the bulk of the assessment can be carried out)


At the next meeting:

  • SGTF will continue working on the TF-specific and cohort-wide high/high pre-mortem items;

  • Begin discussing how the P4 structure might be revised to help mitigate high/high pre-mortem items (to propose to SILS-WG)

  • Further discuss the workplan and timeline for carrying out SGTF deliverables

@Aislinn Sotelo , @Ginny Steel (Unlicensed) and @Danielle Westbrook will pitch a strawperson work plan and timeline (with proposed meeting frequency to reflect the work underway)








Future agenda items

  • Developing the SGTF work plan for phase 4 (due to SILS-WG for their review and endorsement - ideally to be shared by the end of May)

  • Define our SGTF team charter


The SILS mission is to transform library services and operations through innovation and collaboration. The future is shared!

Question? Contact AskSILS-L@ucop.edu