2020-10-09 SGTF agenda and notes

2020-10-09 SGTF agenda and notes

Meeting information

Oct 9, 2020 (2:30 - 3:20 pm)

Zoom: please see Outlook meeting invite.

Recording of the meeting: forthcoming, to be distributed on the listserv (please note: Zoom-hosted recordings will be available for 120 days after the meeting , after which they are automatically deleted by Zoom).


  • Ginny Steel, (co-chair) 

  • Donald Barclay

  • Peter Brantley

  • Kevin Comerford

  • Alan Grosenheider

  • Sarah Houghton

  • Salwa Ismail

  • Cathy Martyniak

  • Felicia Poe

  • Sarah Troy

  • Danielle Westbrook


  • N/A


  • Susan Boone

  • Aislinn Sotelo, (co-chair) 

Agenda and draft discussion notes


Desired Outcome







Desired Outcome







Welcome and announcements

Opportunity for co-chairs and members to share brief announcements and notices.



  • N/A




SGTF mid-phase assessment

Review feedback from testers and determine which edits should be incorporated.

Determine (or establish next for determining) the following:

  • How will we disseminate the poll (through SILS-News, DOC – any other options?)

  • What should be reflected in the cover letter for the poll?

  • How long should the poll be open for?

  • When should the poll be distributed? (Our work plan says sometime in late October or early November).


Alan, Kevin, Sarah, Danielle

  • See the tester feedback document for discussion notes and agreed upon edits to the poll.

  • Disseminate the poll through local distribution networks via DOC members? Or through Users Council?

  • Cover Letter (utilize the preamble) and emphasize that this is about governance structure and designing ongoing governance (i.e. it’s not a general SILS feedback poll).

Decision: The poll will be updated based on the SGTF’s discussion specific to tester feedback (specific edits reflected in the google doc).

Decision: Disseminate through each DOC member. Also asking the DOC reps for Berkeley and LA to ensure RLF staff are included.

Decision: Poll open for 2-weeks. Ask DOC members to send a reminder halfway through.

Decision: Distribute on Oct. 19.

Action: Danielle will revise the poll and draft the cover letter based on the poll preamble. Kevin and Sarah will review/confirm.

Action: DOC members on SGTF will prep DOC, so they know it’s coming.


Update on the investigation around how ongoing SILS management will be integrated into UCLAS



Felicia, Sarah T., Salwa, Danielle

  • The subgroup has spent time re-examining the current UC Libraries Advisory Structure (UCLAS) and the older governance and operations structure utilized for the Melvyl transition/OCLC implementation.

  • The subgroup also reviewed and confirmed the principles for designing shared governance (developed by the task force during phase 3). The subgroup affirmed that these principles still feel very relevant and applicable to designing ongoing governance, as they did for designing implementation governance.

  • The subgroup also compiled and reviewed the assumptions that were raised during our phase 4 pre-mortem and during some of our initial, early SGTF calls.

  • For the past few weeks, the subgroup has been carrying out a needs assessment grounded in three core questions: (1) What challenges do we seek to overcome in the SILS and through SILS governance? (2) What are the categories of work that need to be accomplished, and how can the structure itself support these work areas? (3) Who is carrying out this work (such as a lead SILS group, operational groups and the CDL Operations Center)?

  • For next week, the subgroup will bring SGTF the initial outputs from this work (draft structures for the task force’s consideration).











Future agenda items

  • More detailed update from the UCLAS integration subgroup and potential structures

  • Finalize survey/steps for distributing the survey


The SILS mission is to transform library services and operations through innovation and collaboration. The future is shared!

Question? Contact AskSILS-L@ucop.edu