2020-10-16 SGTF agenda and notes

2020-10-16 SGTF agenda and notes

Meeting information

Oct 16, 2020 (2:30 - 3:20 pm)

Zoom: please see Outlook meeting invite.

Recording of the meeting: forthcoming, to be distributed on the listserv (please note: Zoom-hosted recordings will be available for 120 days after the meeting , after which they are automatically deleted by Zoom).


  • Ginny Steel, (co-chair) 

  • Aislinn Sotelo, (co-chair) 

  • Donald Barclay

  • Susan Boone

  • Kevin Comerford

  • Alan Grosenheider

  • Sarah Houghton

  • Salwa Ismail

  • Cathy Martyniak

  • Felicia Poe

  • Danielle Westbrook


  • N/A


  • Peter Brantley

  • Sarah Troy

Agenda and draft discussion notes


Desired Outcome







Desired Outcome







Welcome and announcements

Opportunity for co-chairs and members to share brief announcements and notices.


Ginny, Aislinn

  • SGTF work plan status: The task force is currently ahead of schedule (by about 2-3 weeks) for the assessment poll; we’re on schedule for UCLAS-integrated SILS work.

  • As noted in the work plan, Nov. 14 and Nov. 20 to share potential UCLAS-integrated governance with WG and CoUL. WG has also asked for an earlier engaged around potential gov. models (for Oct. 30 meeting).




Subgroup to investigate the integration of the SILS into the UC Libraries Advisory Structure (UCLAS)

Subgroup members will present the initial outputs from this work: draft structure(s) for the task force’s consideration. The subgroup will speak to underlying considerations and seek task force member feedback.

The subgroup asked the SGTF to consider specific portions of the proposed models (A and B): the Leadership Group and Operations Team.


Felicia, Salwa, Danielle

Subgroup member Sarah T. sends her regrets.

  • Approach taken by subgroup: through extensive discussion, the subgroup defined and grouped likely responsibilities and tasks that need to be managed within the structure post go-live. The subgroup has moved away from using “governance” as the main descriptor for this structure - instead, it details ongoing leadership and operations.

  • Subgroup discussed that a SILS Leadership Group would consider systemwide strategic planning (broadly, as it relates to the SILS), high-level guidance for Operations, supporting larger vendor engagement

  • Subgroup discussed that the SILS Operations Team would be akin to the IC/PPCs right now - managing the interplay between the various functional areas.

  • Q: those on LG are AULs/equivalent, where OT are managers/heads? Essentially, yes.

  • Q: SILS LG - actually an LG within UCLAS? Yes - within UCLAS, but the subgroup is not yet proposing who this group should report to.

  • SGTF members noted a preference for model B. A smaller group is better for strategic planning, and staggered terms (e.g. 2-3 year) can be effective for bringing in fresh perspectives and providing leadership opportunities for all campuses.

  • Q: what about term lengths? Subgroup hasn’t yet discussed term lengths. Task force members noted that longer terms on the OT could be more likely, and in several instances the OT representative might be ex officio, particularly for smaller campuses. LG, for model B, we would want to develop a rotation (create opportunity, new perspective, etc. – not to say sequential terms can’t happen, but they should be less likely on the LG).

  • If model B and the LG reports to DOC, then it’s reporting to a representative group; that creates the opportunity for systemwide engagement when necessary.

  • What if we flipped it? LG representative and OT is non-representative? The subgroup did discuss this; given the standardization and decision-making likely still needed immediately post-go-live, it seems helpful - at least at first - to have the OT be representative. A SGTF member noted that for the issues coming up, it’s very campus specific. We should expect that this level of specificity will continue to crop up (initially) post go live.

  • Q: Certain kinds of expertise in the individuals on OT? Do we want a specific mix? Or does everyone get to pick their person? We’d have a scope: broad ILS knowledge - particularly post-go-live. We wouldn’t be overly specific, in terms of title (flexibility/campus choice)

  • Further task force agreement/support for model B. Proposal, to ensure membership rotation for the LG, to establish cohorts and/or have future members identified in advance, to ensure opportunities for every campus.

  • Q: Do we need to start with representative on both? Will there be hard feelings at the start, if we don’t go representative at the start for LG?

  • Support for integrated assessment of the structure.

 Decision: The task force prefers Model B. The subgroup will draft org. structure to focus on Model B, adding additional context (in the visual, or as an accompanying document), for Aislinn and Ginny to share with WG (Oct. 30). Depending on CoUL feedback to Ginny (see Action), the top box would be labelled “TBD - DOC or CoUL” (or to specify what CoUL indicates).

Action: Ginny will engage CoUL, re: their assumptions around where the SILS should report into UCLAS (do they have any preferences or assumptions that SGTF should consider?).









Future agenda items

  • Further discussion/planning around SILS integration into UCLAS

  • SGTF Co-Chairs will provide an update to the SILS-WG at the group’s Oct. 30 meeting.

  • Further ahead, updates will be given the WG and CoUL at their November meetings.


The SILS mission is to transform library services and operations through innovation and collaboration. The future is shared!

Question? Contact AskSILS-L@ucop.edu