2022-04-04 Meeting Notes
@Alison Ray (CDL) NZ Admin, CDL
@Caitlin Nelson SILS Service Manager, CDL
@Joseph Ferrie CDL
out: @Gem Stone-Logan NZ Admin, CDL
Item | Desired Outcome | Time | Who | Notes | Decisions | Actions | |
1 | STANDING ITEM: review Task Report | any blockers on tasks? | 5 | all |
| ||
2 | STANDING ITEM: Any AskSILS / SILS News or other tool requests? | Are there blockers for anything that’s come in? Are there any we need to talk about? | 5 | CN |
3 | Why are we talking about Rapido / RapidILL etc | Get clarity on this topic, decide on CDL investment in this idea |
| jf/cn/amr |
| @Caitlin Nelson get clarity (from Brandon) on eCAUG rs proposal |
4 | I would recommend expanding the scope of this (Rapido) topic so that it is not about a specific technology, but about a known set of problems. |
| jf/cn/amr | Shall we do an analysis of the system, and try to figure out if a redesign would lead to improvements - i.e. thinking strategically. What if we did one meeting where we review the major decision pages and see if it’s good enough or not? Joe to do a document, and present at a new meeting.
| @Joseph Ferrie write up ‘rethink (validate?) phase 4 decisions’ for rs ost meeting Apr 20, 2022 (ish) |
5 | Alma “resource partner directory” | Would this be useful to send to RSOST for consideration? What assistance or investigation could SOC do to help? |
| jf/cn/amr |
6 | Rapido vs RapidILL | what’s the difference? which is better? |
| jf/cn/amr |
7 |
8 | Wrap up | Review actions and decisions | 5 |
9 | Parking Lot | Capture important topics for future discussion |
| update for NZ approved users; What’s the status on this? Do we need an action item? (caitlin?) Collections process automation; Let’s wait until the needs assessment of CDL Shared Collections re:SILS has been started. (Joe/Gem) tools review (confluence meeting format) (team) Apr 28, 2022 tools review (sils ops space opening?) (team) May 2, 2022 should silsops sign up for Crossref Status updates? (alison) enable public (anonymous) view of user profiles in confluence? (Alison) allow ‘confluence-users' for ‘personal space’ in confluence? (alison) |
10 |
| Total | x/x |
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