2023-06-26 SILS Ops Meeting Notes
@Alison Ray (CDL) NZ Admin, CDL
@Caitlin Nelson SILS Service Manager, CDL
@Joseph Ferrie CDL (as needed)
@Gem Stone-Logan NZ Admin, CDL
Lena Zentall, CDL (only 1st & 3rd Thursdays)
Item | Desired Outcome | Time | Who | Notes | Decisions | Actions | |
1 | STANDING ITEM: review Task Report | any blockers on tasks? | 5 | all | Is this still useful? Check back in next time |
2 | STANDING ITEM: Any AskSILS / SILS News or other tool requests? | Are there blockers for anything that’s come in? Are there any we need to talk about? | 5 | CN | Membership Transition:
3 | CDI Issues | Decide how to approach issues like this |
| Gem | In many ways a small one-off problem but highlights the lack of control when something is broken. Because it’s a CDI record we can’t suppress the record or fix the link. → Take this to Disc OST and say “now what?” Also talk to vendor (content provider) directly. Should we bring back known issues for documentation? |
4 | ExL delayed in delivering "Patron Email Address missing in transferred Tipasa request” from “Gaps in Alma/Tipasa integration” sheet | What can we do to impress this need on ExL? November is well outside the timeline we need for ensuring Tipasa/Alma integration functions. | a lot? | Alison | Alma PM says they can’t make the August release, but hope to make November… Alison: send email to Moshe; Caitlin: send email to Adriana / Jackie / Tom / Gem as FYI and ask for help. |
5 | Wrap up | Review actions and decisions | 5 |
6 | Parking Lot | Capture important topics for future discussion |
| Collections process automation; Let’s wait until the needs assessment of CDL Shared Collections re:SILS has been started. (Joe/Gem) enable public (anonymous) view of user profiles in confluence? (Alison) add ‘term’ (years member will serve in sils gov; eg “Alison Ray, 2022-2026”) to SILS Rosters page Jun 15, 2023 add a ‘why contact SOC’/'what services SOC provides' sub-part to SOC landing page (eg. reports, configs from OSTs) clean up on SILS overview page |
7 |
| Total | x/x |
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