2020-05-21 Meeting notes

2020-05-21 Meeting notes


  • Jo Anne Newyear-Ramirez, UC Berkeley (note taker)

  • Xiaoli Li, UC Davis

  • John Philip Renaud, UC Irvine

  • John Riemer, UCLA

  • Jim Dooley, UC Merced

  • Tiffany Moxham, UC Riverside

  • Roxanne Peck, UC San Diego

  • Haley Mcewan, UC San Francisco

  • Lidia Uziel, UC Santa Barbara

  • Marcia Barrett, UC Santa Cruz

  • Holly Eggleston, California Digital Library

Not attending

Discussion items


Desired Outcome







Desired Outcome







Review action items from previous meetings

Confirm what have been done

5 mins


·      Marcia sent question about NRLF implementation? No update yet

·      Xiaoli question about dedicated person, 3 ExLibris consultants will be available and identified to work with implementation coordinators, no person dedicated to any one campus

·      3rd question needs to go to SILS group, OCLC record WorldCat updates to existing records, not in the plans; in the future could synchronize bib data with OCLC

Looking for Volunteers for co chairs- announce next meeting



Update and checkin

Discuss questions and upcoming milestones

15 mins


·      ExLibris webinar and slides for network zone sent out; each group will have Q&A, ours will be with Resource Management Group. Will be posting questions to libraries before hand. Xiaoli will set up google doc for scheduled June 2nd meeting. Meeting will be recorded.

·      SILS data cleanup update- surprised by data from Millennium libraries, critical data cleanup issues being developed, once done will be developing recommendations

·      “Everyones data cleanup activities can affect the group”

·      Many things happening in parallel but does everyone have same information?

·      Certain 9xx fields reserved for ExLibris; decisions on local level around how to move data to a new field, decision needed about which 9xxx field we can move to

·      Critical issue, prevent local data loss, understand what ExLibris considers a local field, take necessary action so data is not lost

·      Acquisitions and ERMS- investigating vendor records and vendor record treatment, network zone(NZ) vs institutional zone (IZ); p to e process, title/record affiliation with packages;

·      Where does acquisition data need to live NZ or IZ in order to query it, for instance which campus has series subscription

·      Once vanguard records loaded will have more tangible data to help us understand and analysis issues


Everyone add your questions for Q&A with ExL to this Google doc

How to stay knowledgeable about what is taking place throughout Phase 4 SILS work

Determine what we need to track

Determine who will track what


15 mins


From Taking the Temp survey: We will stay fairly knowledgeable about what is taking place throughout Phase 4 SILS work, so that we can guide the work as appropriate.

Is any Alma training needed?

·       What is everyone’s expectations? Every decision in PPC confluence page records decision and background information

·       An individual will have to go in and see

·       A page with aggregation of decisions would be helpful, perhaps on top of our agenda?

·       Giving us overview, power points, webinars are helpful, some of us will need to connect with local teams

·       Listen to big issues to track at our escalation meetings; Xiaoli post in slack or on confluence site




Visioning Discussion

From Temp survey, Alma docs, etc. what do we see as outcomes for technical services

25 mins


From PPC: “What is your vision for your Area?” Not immediately jumping to HOW - before we go there, we need to figure out what, why, and why now?

Documenting the group’s thoughts here.

·       Develop a one pager that documents what we think we will achieve with a shared system

·       Identification of pain points, summarize pay off, value of doing this

·       Discovery group created a similar document, Xiaoli will ask if they could share (critical issues identified in phase 2, pain points experienced, what do you want solved in new system)

·       Example- authority control, many campuses have subscriptions  to update subject authority, alma has community zone, store authority file from different places, can store local authority file as well

·       Do we want UC authority file?

·       Marcive subscription for records for federal docs, could have a UC subscription, currently each campus buys subscription not a consortium so maybe we can reduce and have one subscription

·       Electronic resource management, SCP record distribution, UC shared collection-  work in network zone, pushed out to your IZ.

·       Xiaoli shared Davis first migration to Alma several years ago, lots of pain points but have learned so much

·       Davis can now generate a report to show what package tiles we have, perpetual access rights

·       Elimination of silos, crosswalks








To think about: In this new discovery environment Primo, there will be  article level access, how important is it for quality of bibliographic record? Community zone, bib record provided by vendors can be enhanced by ExLibris members; workflow can much more streamlined.  Take EBSCO for example , in past catalog each item, not sustainability, activate record from community zone access to all titles but bib record not complete. With  aggregator databases where content changes frequently, it is very hard to keep up. Rely on community zone for aggregator resources, subscriptions, timeliness of access or quality of record, which is more important?

Questions for ex libris June 2nd meeting; Xiaoli create google doc for us to put questions

Think about vision, development of our document

Xiaoli willing to share info on ERM and migration experience



Parking lot















Future agenda items


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