2020-7-16 Meeting notes


  • Xiaoli Li, UC Davis

  • John Philip Renaud, UC Irvine

  • John Riemer, UCLA

  • Jim Dooley, UC Merced

  • Tiffany Moxham, UC Riverside (TM for Dooley)

  • Lidia Uziel, UC Santa Barbara

  • Holly Eggleston, California Digital Library

Not attending

  • Roxanne Peck, UC San Diego

  • Jo Anne Newyear-Ramirez, UC Berkeley

  • Marcia Barrett, UC Santa Cruz

  • Haley Mcewan, UC San Francisco

Discussion items


Desired Outcome







Desired Outcome







Review action items from previous meetings

Confirm what have been done

5 mins

Everyone please fill in the MARC vendor spreadsheet




Update and checking

Discuss questions and upcoming milestones

15 mins



  • Group are extracting files this month

  • After Labour day Vanguard environment will open

  • Q; what if non-vanguard library wants to test in the Vanguard environment?

    • Option #1 Case by case decision on authorization for doing this

    • Option #2 “buddy”system Vanguard library would test on behalf of a non-vanguard group

    • Decision coming

  • Late Nov, 2020: Vanguard phase over

  • December beginning of wider implementation stage

    • End February - all UC library data in test environment

  • Thursdays: Ex Libris “office hours” [questions go in on Mondays]

Vendor (payment) data as “infrastructure”: Decision to be made

  • Will we be using “shared” vendor information?

  • Minimal time for testing

  • Decisions will need to be made earlier on

  • Determine data structure to get reports and pay vendors

  • Pros and cons for shared vendor data and implications

  • Data collection - ensuring set up includes set-up to ensure ind campus data can be collected

Other FG current work

Discovery: Union catalog with scope versus individual catalogs with separate union catalog

Electronic Resources: IZ, NZ, CZ




Alma training

How is the training going on for your campus?

10 mins


Training various by campus

Most campuses - only those involved with the implementation need to work on training now

Full multi-campus training available in new year-21

Recommend: repetition for training and early for those not currently on ALMA

DECISION TSELG members to follow their own local training decisions at this time. Xiaoli will not send out weekly training messages

complete this survey


Upcoming meeting with the Communication Operation Leads

Your thoughts to the following questions:

  • How to communicate your group’s initiatives and milestones to the cohort vs. UC Libraries vs. a general audience.

  • How you feel about the feedback you’re receiving, both within the cohort and from UC campuses through group representatives.

  • Are you pleased with your group’s Confluence space as a communications tool?

15 mins


  • Logging in with WIKI has more barriers than other WIKIs. Getting in causes consistent issues with not being able to log directly into individual pages.

  • Too many tools in too many places that people are expecting answers or providing information. Wasted time and inefficient in time management. Makes getting decisions and actions laborious.

  • Xiaoli did a little bookmarking tool demo

  • Base-camp is restricted - would be helpful if others have access (perhaps on request?)





Marcive records

discuss what we want to do with Marcive records starting July 2021

15 mins


Review this presentation:

MARCIVE Services for ExLibris Libraries : Consortium or Standalone

A) Who is buying MARCIVE records?

B) When do the contracts end?

C) How much is the collective spend?

D) How much would the consortia cost be?

E) Which services are we all receiving?

Discussion around records ensued

Alternate option: get records directly from OCLC

Future: think through what we want for these Federal Documents from a Collections Perspective


@Xiaoli Li create a Google sheet to gather this info
everyone pull contracts to see amount and contract dates

Communal vendor records

Discuss desirability & feasibility of communal vendor records



Discussed in Item #2








See Item #5



Parking lot



























Future agenda items


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