2020-9-3 Meeting notes

2020-9-3 Meeting notes


  • Jo Anne Newyear-Ramirez, UC Berkeley

  • Xiaoli Li, UC Davis

  • John Philip Renaud, UC Irvine

  • John Riemer, UCLA

  • Jim Dooley, UC Merced

  • Tiffany Moxham, UC Riverside

  • Roxanne Peck, UC San Diego (note taker)

  • Lidia Uziel, UC Santa Barbara

  • Sarah Lindsey, UC Santa Cruz

  • Holly Eggleston, California Digital Library

Not attending Haley Mcewan, UC San Francisco

Discussion items


Desired Outcome







Desired Outcome







Update and checking

Discuss questions and upcoming milestones

15 mins


Update from UCSD

Roxanne’s last meeting. SD will name a replacement soon.

Welcome to Sarah (UCSC)

Feedback/Comments from campuses on usefulness of ExL training sessions (current Monday sessions) ?

Other campuses have heard feedback that training has not been helpful. Sentiment is that current Monday sessions are run by migration specialists who are not trainers. Real training (with a trainer) might be in Oct. or sometime next year? Unsure if same type or more in depth. Office hours on Thursdays are being utilized by Functional Groups to do deep dives into topics.

Vanguard environment will be released on Sept 4.

In order to facilitate configuration, testing and support for the systemwide ILS, staff from one UC campus may have logins to another UC campus' Alma environment as well as the Network Zone. Staff may also be assigned roles that grant access to confidential information or data that is restricted by statute, regulation, or institutional policy. As a result, the SILS Working Group is requiring everyone who will be given an Alma account to read and submit the Data Security form acknowledging their compliance with FERPA requirements before that account is given.

At what point in the Vanguard timeline will testing of Analytics occur? That could inform decisions about what data got migrated to NZ/IZ. (Can it be reported on, as desired? If not, is there a better & different way to migrate the data?)

Report writing is self-service. Possible use cases: Will there be reports that can go across IZ and NZ to retrieve information? Can you do reports of UC investment with a single vendor? There will be a special meeting in October regarding Analytics. Campuses are encouraged to spend September focused on verifying data migrated correctly. Report writing is not the first priority for Vanguard testing.

Speaking of Marcive records, below, are there plans to load a single copy of 1 month of Documents Without Shelves records to the NZ, so that we can can compare the results with the legacy DWS records that got deduped from 9 campus copies?

Sub-group (B,SD, LA) testing OCLC updates to records in Vanguard---there is concern about how serials updates would be handled with the updating service.

Berkeley just learned about a concern regarding the migration of claiming data from the checkin record. They still have roughly 30K print titles.

SC: Confirmed checkin record information is migrated to holdings record. They dealt with approximately 200 print serial records.

SD: Will check with Serials unit to verify how this will be addressed.


  1. Create a Google Doc to record testing scenarios

2. Xiaoli will share training feedback with with Policy and Practice Coordinators.


Marcive records


Discuss what we want to do with Marcive records starting July 2021 and make decisions

Decide if UC wants to have a base file from Marcive which includes all records Marcive has distributed so far. The benefit of having this file is to eliminate the need for each campus to manage its own legacy Marcive records.

20 mins


Review survey results

Review this presentation: MARCIVE Services for ExLibris Libraries : Consortium or Standalone:

Context: If you still have legacy Marcive there may ongoing maintenance issues at individual campuses. We have lots of records to de-dup. Proposal is for campuses to leave behind old Marcive records and get a new complete file from Marcive to load when SILS goes live. Cost is uncertain.



Resource Management Functional Group has agreed to test workflow in vanguard environment. Do we want the group to put together a decision page or should we just be providing feedback so we can create a decision page ourselves?

Decision: TSEL agrees to weigh in on issues, as needed, via RMFG decision page.


  1. Xiaoli exploring options for Marcive when SILS goes live. She will pursue more information to see what would be involved to get a Marcive basefile through vendor (cost implication for campuses) or Basefile through use of campus legacy holdings.


YBP records

Discuss what we want to do with YBP records starting July 2021

20 mins


Review the meeting notes

Review the OCLC Plus UC system services

CDL suggests: pursue a uniform GOBI shelf ready service for all campuses. RMFG testing GOBI workflow to get more information about possible impacts to IZ and NZ processes.

Possible implication: if no systemwide deal, we need to create a campus specific workflow to not allow record into NZ. GOBI concern is about sharing the bibliographic record provided for new content (Gold Level Services) Will OCLC updates to master records wipe out the bibliographic record enhancements provided by GOBI?

Resource Management Functional Group and Acquisitions/E-resources Functional Group have agreed to test shelf-ready workflow in vanguard environment. Do we want the groups to put together a decision page or should we just be providing feedback so we can create a decision page ourselves?

Xiaoli (or volunteer, Jo Anne or Sarah) will work with Michael Walmsley (CDL) regarding shelf ready services. More information collecting is needed.









Parking lot



























Future agenda items


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