SILS Service Documentation Hub
Purpose: to gather current documentation, policies, decisions, and workflows, as well as public trainings and webinars, related to the ongoing SILS Service.
Public Trainings and Webinars
Materials related to video trainings or webinars can be found in the SILS GDrive space.
Workflows, Policies, Practices, & Decisions
All pages in the following roll-ups are assigned the “current” label to indicate that they are up-to-date and currently-in-force.
Decisions document where OSTs have formally made a recommendation, voted, and decided; decisions are tagged with the “decisions” label.
Workflows, policies, and practices are simply pages that are NOT decision pages - any kind of information that UC Libraries staff need to collectively know about the SILS Service; policy, practice, and workflow pages are tagged with the “pnp” label.
(remember to change the space to your own OST space)
(remember to change the space to your own OST space)
Current Workflows, Policies, & Practices
Current Decisions
The SILS mission is to transform library services and operations through innovation and collaboration. The future is shared!
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