Zoom https://UCOP.zoom.us/j/93370876193?pwd=T2pZN2NLMUt0di9pNTNYMUtXSHcyQT09
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Recording: https://UCOP.zoom.us/rec/share/1fBQPuHw0VNOTY2R43OcRpQwIIW5aaa8gyEW__UNxRxP34MMnSP4f0dDC428yP9d
When you join the meeting, rename your Zoom name to your name + SILS group (Go to Participants, find your name, click on More, then Rename.)
Lena Zentall, Project co-manager, (SILS Chairs co-chair)
Aislinn Sotelo, Shared Governance Task Force
Beth Callahan, Public Services EL
Carla Arbagey, Acquisitions & ERM FG
Carlo Medina, Implementation Coordinators
Catherine Busselen, ILS Data Cleanup
Cathy Martyniak, RLF SILS Planning Group
Claudia Horning, Digital Collections FG
Danelle Moon, Archives & Special Collections EL
Dominque Turnbow, Internal Training
Elizabeth Miraglia, Resource Management FG
Elizabeth Rodriguez, Fulfillment & ILL FG
Greg Ferguson, Patron Data
Jess Waggoner, Discovery FG
Joe Ferrie, Fulfillment & ILL FG
John Riemer, Technical Services EL
Josephine Tan, Discovery FG
Lisa Spagnolo, Acquisitions & ERM FG
Mary Elings, Archives & Special Collections EL
Melanie Romero, End User Outreach
Rachel Jaffe, Digital Collections FG
Rikke Ogawa, Public Services EL
Sarah Wallbank, Resource Management FG
Stacy Brinkman, End User Outreach
Stephen Gurnick, Patron Data
TJ Kao, ILS Data Cleanup
Tom Bustos, Implementation Coordinators
Xiaoli Li, Technical Services EL
Ben Alkaly, Communication Operation Leads
Günter Waibel, SILS Project co-chair
Not attending
Christine Barone, Project co-manager (SILS Chairs co-chair)
Discussion items
Item | Desired Outcome | Time | Who | Notes | Decisions | Actions | |
1 | Zoom name | When you join the meeting, rename your Zoom name to your name + SILS group (Go to Participants, find your name, click on More, then Rename.) | 1 | Lena | |||
2 | Poll: Record meetings? | Determine whether meetings should be recorded? | 1 | Lena | Overwhelming vote of yes. | We will record meetings and share the links in the meeting notes which are only accessible to this group. | |
3 | Welcome from SILS co-chairs! | 5 | Günter |
| |||
4 | Why have an All Chairs meeting | What’s the value of an All SILS Chairs meeting
With so many members, it may be a challenge to give everyone a chance to speak. | 5 | Lena | This is a good spot to discuss nuanced issues. | ||
5 | Step B representatives Step B members (“liaisons”) represent a campus that has assigned a liaison for | Awareness of participation and voting for Step B representatives
| 5 | Lena | https://uc-sils.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/SC/pages/edit-v2/585367730 Difficult to deal with someone switching roles numerous times during the project, so a switch to step A should be considered permanent (as much as possible) and weighed carefully. Josephine: how did we decide on who was step B? Answer: DOC members worked locally in coordination with supervisors on determining this. Most of the time this was a bandwidth decision. What about step b’s who want to step in for certain tasks but not all? What about if they regularly attend meetings reguarly but can’t one week - should they bring in a substitute? Answer - SILS policy is no. Instead they should review the meeting recording (if available). | Need to communicate our policy around meeting attendance more broadly. | |
6 | Chairs to share with their groups on communication between SILS and campus groups (Com Leads) |
| 5 | Ben | No questions on this. | ||
7 | Consultation with Communication Leads | Awareness of upcoming consultation on communication needs for groups | 2 | Ben | Aiming for 3 meetings per week. Probably end of July. Discussion will be around benchmark/progress/decisions are suitable for each audience. Invites going out by EOW. | ||
8 | Taking the temperature | Summarize takeaways from pre-meeting poll and discussion | 30 | Lena, All | Good to clarify Step A and B - clarification of practices helps. Decision pages are helping a lot. Discovery team will be keeping an eye on the decision pages of other teams to keep track of ones that are relevant for them. Basecamp - difficult to determine when and where to share information. The management of basecamp is currently being worked on. Chairs are intended to funnel questions from their groups. If basecamp is an issue, please let the PMs know. Poll of how basecamp is working for the group: Mostly thumbs up (chairs are not overwhelmed at this point in managing Basecamp info. sharing). Easier to manage funneling information and keeping groups informed now that co-chairs have been selected for every group. When you are a subscriber to basecamp, you get LOTS of email which can be annoying. Should check with Ex Libris on potentially adding all cohort members for some groups - decided not to do this. Will keep the option open going forward. Suggestion for co-chairs to review important Basecamp activity with your group during weekly meetings as a regular activity to keep cohort members informed. Asking similar questions on basecamp: general rule of thumb is to start a new thread rather than post in the thread that generated the question. Dominique does not have access to basecamp. Additional themes will be discussed during a future meeting. | Decision to keep funneling information through co-chairs at this time. Revisit later as the timeline heats up to see if we need to open up Basecamp to more cohort members. |
9 | Meeting time | Poll: Choose recurring meeting time every other week:
| 5 | Lena | looks like Wednesdays 9-10 is the most popular choice. | Shorten meeting time to 50 minutes. Meet Wednesday 9-9:50. | |
10 | Future topics | Desired tools or training topic for next 30 minute webinar? Topics to cover next time? Email SILS-PM-Leads-L@ucop.edu if you want to add something to the agenda or slack Christine and Lena on SILS Chairs. | 5 | Lena | |||
11 | Parking Lot | Capture important topics for future discussion | |||||
12 | Total | 60/60 |