📢 Recording of the meeting:forthcoming (please note: this Zoom-hosted recording will be available for 120 days, until __________, 2020 🗓 , after which it will be automatically deleted by Zoom).
Ginny Steel, (co-chair)
Donald Barclay
Susan Boone
Kevin Comerford
Alan Grosenheider
Sarah Houghton
Salwa Ismail
Cathy Martyniak
Sarah Troy
Felicia Poe
Danielle Westbrook
Aislinn Sotelo, (co-chair)
Peter Brantley
Alison Regan
Agenda and DRAFT discussion notes 🗒
Desired Outcome
Opportunity for co-chairs and members to share brief announcements and notices.
The task force is moving forward with two 50-minute meetings each month; if the second meeting isn’t needed, subgroups can always meet during that time.
Alan is now serving as the liaison between DOC and SGTF - many thanks to Alan!
Mid-phase assessment
Discuss and further shape the assessment scope and goals (see draft here - based on the 06/30 SGTF discussion and presenting a strawperson pitch for how we might scope the assessment)
Determine next steps to finalize the scope and goals document (due to SILS WG on Aug. 03).
Identify subgroup (2-3 people) to lead next steps in Assessment work (see work plan, stage 2)
* SGTF members should review and begin commenting on the draft assessment scope and goals in advance of the meeting. *
Task force members noted that priorities for assessment are falling into one of two categories: how is shared governance working right now (specific to components that may continue, post-go-live)? And how do individuals vision SILS governance moving forward?
Members affirmed that all goals should be actionable; they should us and help enable a better structure for ongoing governance.
Members affirmed that individuals (as opposed to groups) should respond to the assessment, though individuals might be asked both about individual the work of applicable groups as well as their own responsibilities.
Demographic data will also be collected, to allow SGTF to dis-aggregate responses (e.g. campus, group membership/participation in the systemwide SILS structure). Additional facets might be whether the respondent is part of the Vanguard and/or already on Alma/Primo.
Task force members agreed that while not part of the mid-phase assessment, the charges and structure for post-go-live governance should reflect the need for ongoing assessment.
Decision: Kevin and Alan will form a subgroup to guide and further the assessment work (e.g. to begin considering the design and instrument selection).
Action: SGTF members should continue to review the draft assessment and goals, and submit feedback by July 22nd (after which, a draft will be cleaned up and shared with SILS-WG for their feedback).
Future agenda items ✍
Finalize scope and goals for SGTF’s assessment; select assessment instruments and begin designing/building
Further discuss UCLAS, what we might learn from an assessment of our phase 4 shared gov. structure, and initial and ongoing shared governance needs.
Initial brainstorm/discussion about operational SILS shared governance (based on the assumptions already identified).