Anything issues from Slack, Email, Basecamp that need discussion, action?
How are you currently liaising with ILSDC? Invite ILSDC co-chairs to join an occasional IC meeting to report out?
Results of poll to find a printing-palooza date: Jan 14 IC meeting
Lena out 11/19
Anything more to say about Todd & Adrian’s email template at IC meeting? Checkin to see if ICs have any questions and when/if they are planning to send the email? How can we use Adrian’s integrations list?
Reminder to create invite + Zoom for your January config meeting by 11/30 (UCLA, UCM)
Don’t forget to cancel the 11/26 IC meeting; Cancel the 11/23 IC SC or leave it? Yes.
Invite ILSDC co-chairs monthly to IC meeting to give report. Catherine and TJ will join every third Thursday meeting for an IC update.