We are good to go, except for the communication flow diagram which Ben is adding before the meeting tomorrow (done!)
Alma Certification training
Update from Neil on Alma certification training
Local campus groups: IT will get a list of who is already certified locally at campuses and who is on the list to get certification. Then, local team will review and decide who else should be certified. Certification is a requisite for decision-making.
Cohort: same process as above. IT and ICs worked on recommendations together. Recommendation will go to the Cohort once Neil gets the training tracks from Ex Libris.
We’ve heard some concerns from PPC: Discovery group believes they should be Primo certified only. Neil responded that these two tools are tied together closely so you need to understand both. Neil recommends at least one person in Discovery should be certified. OK for PPC to delegate to someone else in their group (i.e, rather than the chairs).
IT is not sure if they will require the certification test. 40 questions in an hour; 70% correct.
Timeline: Neil recommends everyone to be on the same timeline for certification.
What’s expected of people who are certified? any responsibilities?
What’s involved in the training? 12+ hours of video and reviewing documentation; 1 hour of testing. Understanding how changing something in the system affects other areas.
Does it require a minimum number of Alma-certified people, e.g., 1 or 2, to make config. changes in Vanguard? (we will ask Ex Libris this question)
Next steps: Sending IT the finalized Cohort certification recommendation list. Recommendation itself and training timeline/tracks coming soon.
Even folks working with Alma already should get the certification. it will show you the areas you might need a refresher. It gives decision-makers a common language.
Certified people will not need to redo their certification.
Keep this as a regular agenda item for the foreseeable future
Followup: How will we share this information? Use the same spreadsheet? How will we announce it’s available?
From 6/9 Ops Leads meeting: Ben and Adrian will draft an email to lC asking them to update with what info should be included in summary of how local groups are organized spreadsheet. Add chairs of local groups to the spreadsheet.
Ben & Adrian
Probably use the same spreadsheet.
We don’t want this information on Confluence (due to email privacy)
How will we announce it’s available? SILS-Cohort-L@ucop.edu.
Ben Alkaly (Unlicensed) will send an email to the cohort when local campus groups information is ready to be announced.
Blog posts
Determine how blogging will work; how rollups can be done; where local groups should post.
Ben and Adrian will discuss and investigate technical options; bring back decision to Ops Leads.