1 | Q&A (recurring) - urgent questions | Do you have a question to discuss at the meeting? Add it below with your name. Length of time to run jobs (first mentioned by Jackie on IC slack). I (Gem) also have concerns around this. For example, the “Link BIB Headings” in the NZ started on Tuesday and is currently 6.85% done. This is suppose to be a daily job. I can allow that the first time might run longer than usual but at this rate it’s going to take another 14+ days. Long-term, daily jobs should run in less than 24 hrs. I’d like to propose that Ex Libris present some potential strategies on how to manage this. (Jackie) Is anyone using the ExL mail relay? Have you encountered any issues with this? We tried our institution mail relay but hit the cap on outbound emails super quickly, and would like to understand the pros/cons better. (Jackie) Has anyone leveraged write APIs to add items/holdings data? Maybe we can connect offline? (Carlo) UCLA Primo seems to imply we have full text access to some JSTOR books that, even after being logged in via SHIB/VPN, when users click on the link, JSTOR says “Your institution does not have access to this”. Anyone else experiencing, or did we just forget to edit some settings in our Primo?
| 20 | | From Marci today: ExL is reaching out to dev to make a plan on how to ensure these big jobs get run in a timely manner, e.g., deleting the 6 million suppressed records. Consult ExL when planning massive jobs without consulting with ExL. ExL can keep eyes on the jobs, etc. Marci will talk more about this on Monday. Everyone is seeing slowness with running jobs. How much are we competing with each other? What impact are we having on the server? No problems with ExL mail relay at UCSC. UCSB, UCD & UCM use campus. No. Jackie will post on Alma-L. UCB also saw this. It’s a CDL problem. There are a lot of false positives. The PPC-NZ subgroup discussed this. The Collections team will start fixing the problem. ERES group is also working on identifying these false positives.
Other issues reported ETOS UCSC records in Primo is on the way to being fixed. NCIP is now working for UCR! Custom domain is not working yet. UCI is having some issues with AFN and they are working with ExL. Lynne and Carlo noted they have seen “test” items in AFN that they will need to delete. Alison is having trouble getting OURL into WorldCat Discovery
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3 | Meetings? | How do we want to move forward with meetings? | | | Proposal for 50 minutes We are still in problem-solving mode Use the time as an open drop in session to discuss issues of interest. Alternate structured agenda and drop in time every other week?
| 50 minute meetings and stay weekly for now. Re-evaluate in a few weeks. Tom will extend the meetings to Dec 23. | - Tom Bustos will schedule 50 minute weekly IC meetings through Dec 23.