1 | Round robin workplan updates Action Items to check in on include: | Check in on progress on our ongoing action items | 20 min | Madelynn / All | Updates: Visibility Pre-assessment: KB reported that she and CR had spent some time refining and wordsmithing the questions. They also had some conversation about how to direct the questionnaire to on each campus. Follow up discussion led to clarifying and updating the questions under the ‘current assessments’ section. Project Team also reviewed the draft introduction to the questionnaire. Once finalized, we will share to Discovery for feedback and to Operations for distribution. Question: Do we anticipate one campus, one response to the questionnaire? Or do we want to leave it open to multiple respondents from each campus? Decision: One response per campus. Question: Do we want to consider N/A, zero, etc. as an options on multiple choice questions? Decision: Yes, we can add these options. Question: Do we want to add an estimated time to complete? Decision: Yes.
Decision Tree Feedback: MD reported that have not yet received feedback from Discovery. Workflow Assessment: GM shared the Calisphere Content Display Issues report she put together.