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  • Thomas Bustos, Chair

  • Jackie Gosselar, Vice Chair (out)

  • Lakshmi Arunachalam

  • Ramon Barcia

  • Greg Ferguson

  • Jeremy Hobbs

  • Sarah Lindsey

  • Caitlin Nelson (out)

  • John Riemer

  • Zach Silveira

  • Neil Weingarten

  • Todd Grappone, Past SILS Leadership Group Chair

  • Mallory Gianola, Support Member

Meeting Recording

The meeting recording is available for download in the OT Shared Google Folder, which you can access using this link:



Desired Outcome







Updates - from All-Chairs, Leadership Group, etc.

Provide updates from other SILS meetings

10 mins


20 mins


  • Updates from All-Chairs:

    • Will be a topic to bring up later on at an ExL Support meeting but also discussed it at All-Chairs, which is discussing support around CJK searches

      • Resource Management and some other group have noticed that Primo isn’t supporting CJK searches the way we expect it to

      • Can only search in either Chinese, Japanese, or Korean, and if you chose Korean, you lose Cyrillic; should be able to search them all

        • John has experienced that in analytics, cannot only get Roman Script

      • Todd says this is a known Alma issue

      • It’s weird that Alma has supported Chinese libraries and continue to experience this issue

        • Some consortia of Chinese libraries have solved this issue; apparently you can have CJK or Cyrillic, but you can’t have both

      • It’s good for UC to push on this improvement; could probably find community support within the listservs as well

        • UC supports such a wide amount of research, so we need this language support

        • We’re in a good position to push back a bit on this

      • Folks can take this back to their local teams, in case they have any additional concerns

    • CDL Shared Collections in the NZ Project Team: Lisa Mackinder is going to be out of the office for about 6-weeks

      • OT-SC discussed talking to the rest of the team to ensure they feel comfortable continuing while Lisa is out

        • Team will likely continue working and going through with their process

  • Leadership Group Updates:

    • Talked about whether or not Slack is paid for, or if we are still on the free service

      • Tom will talk with Caitlin about this to confirm

    • Lynn brought up a reminder that the Gender Recognition and Lived Name policy needs to be set-up no later than December 31, 2023

      • Do campuses know off-hand where they are with setting this up?

        • If you’re not sure, please go back to your team and check on this

      • Any questions?

        • Is this last names also?

          • At UCSD, students can only have a lived name for their first name (cannot include middle or last name)

            • For employees, UC Path can have a lived name that includes first, middle, and last

          • Sounds like it should include all three aspects of the name

        • Where is this document published?

        • At UCSB, Alma is downstream from the campus system; wouldn’t want to change it in Alma, would be best to change it in the campus system

          • Folks will need to do some investigating to determine who is taking responsibility for this at each campus


Q & A Session - Including Questions on Slack since last meeting

Any questions from the team?

Questions from Slack?

10 8 mins


  • Any questions from the group?

    • Sarah’s question re: the purchase request module for print DDA purchases.

      • Wasn’t sure if any other campuses are using the purchase request module for print DDA purchases, the way that UCSC is using it

        • At the end of their process, the request doesn’t get deleted automatically; there is no mechanism for this

          • UCSC is running into an issue now where you can’t delete a patron account if they have a purchase request, even if the purchase request was already filled (since the request isn’t getting deleted automatically)

      • Are any other libraries using purchase requests?

        • This is definitely not an add for using purchase requests; UCSC has had to do a lot to control the behavior of this option

      • Or if deleting patrons, have other libraries ran into issues with deleting patrons?

        • UCSD isn’t sure if they use purchase requests; will be doing their first batch delete of patrons in the next few weeks, so might encounter this issue soon

          • UCM also hasn’t done their first big batch delete

      • If folks do run into this issue, please reach out to Sarah


Topics or questions for the Ex Libris Support Meeting

Any topics or questions that should be addressed at the next monthly Ex Libris Support Meeting?

Ex Libris Support Meeting Agendas & Notes

5 7 mins


  • FYI - Regarding CJK Ex Libris Support Question

    • Already discussed this; will be talking to ExL about CJK issue at next meeting

  • Any other topics or tickets that need to be brought up to this team?

    • Disappointment in NZ analytics?

      • This is a known item, trying to work through it and figure out what we can do and what exactly we want to ask them

      • It’s a matter of getting a better idea of how we can work around the limitations that exist

      • We are still trying, and doing what we can

    • Greg is still getting passive answers; ExL continues to suggest to Greg that he and his team should test things themselves

      • Documentation is usually lacking details; so when trying to get these details, running into passive answers, similarly to how it was during implementation

      • The fact that this is happening routinely is frustrating

      • Tom asks that Greg send the ticket numbers to OT-SC when he gets these responses, so that they can bring it up to ExL in the support meetings

      • Are others seeing these kinds of responses?

        • Tom has seen it

        • Sarah also has experienced similar issues where the tech said they were working on a ticket that had two example records, but those two example records ended up being removed from the system and the tech never said anything about those records being deleted; so how much where they really working on it?

        • Jeremy says he usually has good responses from ExL; nudges ExL every week on tickets that haven’t had much action, and also tries to write shorter tickets


CDL rep on Operations Team

Discuss whether we should add a CDL rep to the Operations Team

5 3 mins

Caitlin / Team

Tom / Team

  • Caitlin’s representation on this team is more focused on SSM; so should we have someone who represents CDL on OT?

    • This person’s role would be different from Caitlin’s

  • What is everyone’s thoughts on this?

    • Everyone is in favor of this

  • Next steps:

    • Tom will discuss with Caitlin bringing Gem on board to the OT


CMCKG request for Ethical and Inclusive Metadata Practices team

Review Ethical and Inclusive Metadata Practices in UC Library Search Project Team request and team charge

Updated document from the Proposed Project Manager (Catherine) and the Proposed Backup Project Manager (TJ)

10 2 mins

Tom / Team

  • Tom got a response from Catherine, and it sounds like she likes the charge as is and is fine with being the PM

    • Tom’s guess is that TJ would also be okay with it, but Tom hasn’t heard back from TJ directly via email

  • Group decided to wait to vote on this until next meeting when Jackie and Caitlin are present

  • Next Steps:

    • Tom will reach out to TJ again to confirm whether he is comfortable moving forward with this charge as is

  •  Tom Bustos will reach out to TJ again to confirm whether he is comfortable moving forward with the Ethical and Inclusive Metadata Practices in UC Library Search Project Team Charge as is

Email from Christine and Lena re: Join on Zoom for an awards ceremony to toast the SILS project!

SILS Project (2017-2021) has won a Larry L. Sautter Silver award for Innovation in Information Technology

2 mins


  • The SILS Project (2017-2021) has won a Larry L. Sautter Silver award for Innovation in Information Technology

    • The proposal submitted to the judges will be posted on the UC IT website

    • The awards ceremony will be held at UC San Diego during the annual UC Tech conference

    • The conference organizers have provided a special link for friends and colleagues of awardees to watch the presentation ceremony

    • No registration is required however you must be logged in to Zoom to watch.

    • Zoom info:

    • Members of the SILS Working Group Erik Mitchell, Chris Shaffer, and Aislinn Sotelo will accept the award in person


Executive Session

Private discussion as needed

10 mins

  • UC Alma User Counts

    • Overall, we are under the expected user count

    • Each campus should have received their numbers

    • Would like to discuss at a future executive session with Caitlin present, why each campus' numbers are where they are

    • In the narrative that each campus rep has been asked to write, would be helpful for folks to include whether they are using service accounts and where they are using them

    • Greg noted that the numbers he was generating when auditing were slightly different than the report he received

      • Small changes in numbers are not as much of a concern

    • What about campuses who will need more user accounts i.e. UCR

      • The number itself was meant to be what we were expecting to use at that time; so would be helpful to note in the narrative whether campuses anticipate needing more seats in the future and if so, how many

    • Would there be a redistribution of numbers, i.e. campuses who aren’t using their capacity have their numbers lowered and campuses who need more having their users increased?

      • Not sure, this would be a good question for Caitlin

      • Campuses would hate to see their number fall, because they’ve come in under

      • This is a cost model question; not sure if we could change this quickly - would probably need to be taken to LG and then DOC

    • Next steps:

      • Everyone please complete your narrative in the Google Doc that Mallory sent to you, and we’ll Discuss this further at the next OT meeting with Caitlin


Following-Up with Project Teams and Working Groups

Continue discussing plan for OT / OT-SC following-Up with Project Teams and Working Groups; determine process, calendar, etc.

Review template that Caitlin provided for quarterly written updates

10 mins

Tom / Caitlin


Executive Session

Private discussion as needed

10 mins

  • UC Alma User Counts

8 mins


  • What did everyone think of this?

    • John added one new proposed question to the template:

      • From your group’s vantage point, do you need any need not currently being met within the existing SILS structure? (e.g. a function or activity that might need to be assigned to another group or a newly-created group)

    • Folks think the template looks good, and like John’s add-on

    • Any other changes or additions we need to make?

      • Is this good to send out to teams and get some feedback?

        • Would be good to at least pilot test it with one group and see if it works

    • No formal vote needed, but everyone is in agreement with moving forward with this template

  • Next steps:

    • Caitlin start sending this out to the project teams and working groups and see how it works


Parking Lot

Capture important topics for future discussion

  • Taking the Temperature Survey

    • Discuss Responses from Survey, particularly the What worries you? and What are you most excited about? sections

  • Communication with Subteams, Cohort, and Campuses

  • Need to create a page for System Down Reporting



60 mins

to condi