Versions Compared


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Desired Outcome


Decisions / Discussion



Sharing and Updates

Share any Discovery related information from other SILS groups

OT gave us the go-ahead to work with Gem for the custom resource types. I’d like to go through the “official” process we set up with Gem (an e-mail to … I forgot). Sean, we will add the Looseleaf one to the four we already have. It’ll be a great way to refine this process.


CDI Limit by Availability



  • Does this setting require harmonization across campuses?

    • ?

  • If No:

    • Create Decision Page

      • configuration option pros and cons

      • why/why not campuses might use one option over another.



  • Establish 1-2 important configurations to test and document.

  • Identify testing parameters.

  • Identify campuses with capability and bandwidth for testing.

Work Plan: Discovery Phase 4 handoff is also there for ideas.

End goal of testing:

  • Decide if configuration requires harmonization.

  • If no, document configuration options, pros and cons, and recommendations so campuses can make informed decisions.

  • Configuration: CDI Limit by Availability

  • Campuses: All

  • Parameters (Sandbox)

    • FRBR OFF

    • DEDUP ON

      • Preferred Record = ALMA-E

    • Boosting: Default

  • Testing

    • Find Most Popular Search Query at institution (Analytics)

    • Test query with Limit by Availability OFF

    • Test query with Limit by Availability ON

    • Share results at next Configuration Meeting

  • Deadline:


SLACK Questions

Review current Parking Lot, decide next steps for finding answers.

Discussion Parking Lot / Future Topics


To think about:

  • Should we create a 2+ member Discovery Steering Committee to plan work and manage the timeline?

    • Any volunteers?

  • Should we schedule open, optional study halls that can be used for testing with a buddy, addressing/exploring issues that come up, etc.?

    • Jessica is always willing to buddy up for testing. Schedule is flexible. Shoot me a message.


New Vice Chair

Appoint a new vice chair
