We have decided to leave the filter off in favor of increasing the discoverability of resources that would otherwise be hidden initially by having it on. In most cases tested, the results of the search with the filter on or off returned a large number of results and the tester was doubtful of how useful it was only having a slightly smaller result set vs the increased visibility of more records that were also relevant.
UCSC: Our default search profile, “Articles, books, and more” is set to filter by availability
Our testing with undergraduate students indicates that students expect most materials in UC Library Search to be available immediately (either online or on the shelf). We found that not filtering by availability too frequently retrieved results where fewer than 70% of items were availability immediately. We are concerned about the obstacles filtering by availability presents for users attempting to find known item CDI materials that are not “available” and we continue to work on interface changes to facilitate the discovery of these materials.
Questions to consider