Discovery Documentation Hub

Discovery Documentation Hub

Purpose: to gather current documentation, policies, decisions, and workflows, as well as public trainings and webinars, related to SILS Discovery.

Workflows, Policies, Practices, & Decisions

  • All pages in the following roll-ups are assigned the “current” label to indicate that they are up-to-date and currently-in-force.

  • Decisions: the team has formally made a recommendation; decisions are tagged with the “decisions” label.

  • Workflows, policies, and practices are simply pages that are NOT decision pages - any kind of information that UC Libraries staff need to collectively know about the SILS Service; policy, practice, and workflow pages are tagged with the “pnp” label.

  • Recommendations from the Discovery Team to other teams are tagged with the “consult” label but not “current”.

Current Workflows, Policies, & Practices

Current Decisions

Consults and Recommendations

The SILS mission is to transform library services and operations through innovation and collaboration. The future is shared!
Question? Contact AskSILS-L@ucop.edu